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The Presidential Election: The First Lady Steps Up

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

‘The First Lady’ is the title given to the wife of the President. Currently, this position is held by Michelle Obama, who, although does not possess any political powers, is often seen accompanying the President on many foreign visits and public appearances.

Michelle Obama has been particularly vocal and passionate since the 2016 election cycle began. As Barack Obama cannot be re-elected again (following the 22nd amendment), her support has been firmly with Hillary Clinton, the Democrat nominee. This was demonstrated on 28th September this year when Michelle gave a speech at La Salle University, Pennsylvania. She opened by announcing she was ‘thrilled’ to attend the event supporting ‘the next President and Vice President of the United States Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine!’ With a nod to her duties as a public figure, Michelle went on to thank multiple people and expressed her support to the Democrats running for Congress and state office in Pennsylvania. However, Michelle never drifted far from her primary purpose, reminding those listening how close the election really is: ‘we got work to do here today’.  

Before launching into celebrating Clinton’s presidential qualities, Michelle listed a few things which have been achieved during her husband’s 8 years in office: ‘passing healthcare reforms, creating millions of jobs, slashing the unemployment rate, lifting millions of people out of poverty, expanding LGBT rights…’. The range of policies she mentioned appeal to a wide spectrum of people, showing how Michelle attempted to demonstrate how the Democrat party has represented all views and interests, implying they would continue to do so under Clinton.

One of Michelle’s strengths here was how she connected with the audience. She became their equal, presenting herself as down to earth and empathetic, saying ‘it’s understandable’ that the people may have questions or may be uncertain as to what the future may hold. Another strength of this speech was Michelle’s tact. Rather than delivering a speech on ‘Why Donald Trump should not be President’, she subtly implied his flaws, without the need to mention his name. Michelle was appealing to the people in saying ‘if a candidate is erratic and threatening, if a candidate traffics in prejudice, fears and lies’ they will not change – consequently, the leader of their ‘great nation’ would be one who lies and makes arbitrary decisions (she did go on to describe the ‘hurtful, deceitful, questions’ Trump had made regarding the Barack Obama’s birthplace). Michelle’s approach was mature and conveyed a clear message, refraining from lowering herself to a level of name-calling and finger pointing.

Michelle then proceeded to explain the aspects of Hillary’s personality and her experiences that make her the most qualified candidate for Presidential office. Introducing her as ‘our friend Hillary Clinton’, Michelle defined her as the candidate who wants the ‘best for all of us’. Another clever aspect of this speech was Michelle did not simply list Clinton’s achievements, but she described how she ‘fought for children’s healthcare as First Lady and for quality childcare as a senator’ hence conveying the various roles she has had within different branches of the US Government, not forgetting the ‘sky high approval ratings’ she received as Secretary of State.

Overall, this speech portrayed Hillary Clinton as the most qualified candidate to take office after Obama, yet the First Lady did so in a way as to highlight Clinton’s qualities rather than simply a list of her opponent’s flaws. This proves that, while the First Lady has no official powers, she certainly is playing a key role in this presidential race.

If you want to watch the full speech, check it out here!


I'm Claudia, a third year Politics student at the University of Exeter, who loves all things Her Campus!