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Love Lessons #6: Mistakes of a Singleton

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

Being single at university is always going to lead to some entertaining situations: add some alcohol into the mix and you have a potent combination. Every singleton will make mistakes in their time, whether it is that ill-advised late night text, or the fling that you know you should really stop!  Some of my most amusing moments of university have happened when I was single. Okay, maybe more embarrassing than amusing but you have to see the funny side of these things…After all, there is always another mortifying story around the corner that will eclipse your most embarrassing moment! So to make all the HCX readers feel better, I will share some of my most cringe-ridden single experiences!

The texts you know you shouldn’t send

After getting myself involved in a little fling that I knew would come to nothing, I began to send those dreaded drunken texts. My favourite occurred on one of my first nights back in Exeter after the Easter holidays. A group of us went out to Mosaic and whilst I was relatively sober at the beginning, the end of the night is a loss. I woke up the next morning to a text message from my fling asking if I was coming back to his! Cue a confused face of mine rereading all the texts I sent him the night before. The texts included such statements as ‘I will do anything you want’ and a particular favourite of mine ‘I will enact your fantasies!’ The texts became worse and worse during the evening until they were literally a jumble of letters; the awkward thing was that the guy kept on responding. It reached an all-time low when said boy at one point to told me to sober up!

Just to prove that its not just girls who do this, one of my friends who’s a boy has been known to send texts such as ‘please don’t ignore me!’

The Drunken text is never a good call, if you don’t have the confidence to do it sober, saying it when your drunk will only end ten times worse. Check out HCX article about the rules of texting to find out more.

The worst possible walk of shame

During exam period last summer, a group of us went out to celebrate the mid-point of our exams. However since we were fresher’s, our mid point coincided with many final year students last exams. Of course we bumped into the third year that I was seeing and life progressed from there. However, the next morning my decisions came back to haunt me.

I have fond memories of getting dressed to go out and asking the boys in my hall which outfit I should wear– a body con skirt and a nice top, or a dress with a zip up the front and a pair of heels? Now I think you can guess which one the boys chose! So cue me waking up in a house miles away from campus and contemplating my walk of shame. The boy in question had no care for my situation and so I left his room and luckily ran into one of his housemates, who I had met a fair few times. The kind housemate lent me a hoodie to help with my predicament and I set off home. 

Of course as this was during exam period, I ran into seemingly everyone I knew coming out of an exam. I looked like a mess: bed hair, wearing an oversized hoodie and carrying a pair of heels did not make for a good look!  At this stage all one can do is see the funny side of the situation and get home quickly!

Getting attached to a fling

Now, this is one that every singleton will do at some point, and no matter how much you know it’s a terrible idea- it will occur! My attachment started with a very charming older boy. We seemed to pick the dates we slept together carefully, once on my birthday, once on his, on Valentines Day, on the day of his last exam and the list goes on! I went in naïve enough to think I could continue this way and not get attached. We moved on from the odd drunk text, to hooking up if we saw each other out, to him inviting me round.

My realisation moment occurred when he text me to ask if I wanted to go round to his. I replied by saying unfortunately I couldn’t as I was in hospital with tonsillitis (yes you can get hospitalised with tonsillitis; it just takes a special person!) I didn’t receive a reply for two days and the next text stated ‘I hope you are feeling better, how about tonight?’ At this point I grew a pair of hypothetical balls and departed from that fling swiftly!

Going for the cocky boy, in the hope we can change him

Another classic one here-going for the bad boy.  In my first year I made the mistake of ignoring all the nice boys, for the ones that would treat me like I was worthless. Even though a voice inside my head was saying ‘this is a bad idea’ it was outdone by a voice which said ‘you could be the one that changes them.’ This is a typical mistake single girls will make, we are attracted to the danger and the excitement of a boy whose next move we can’t predict! However at the end of the day you are left looking like the fool as the majority of guys will not change for you!

I would love to say that I have learnt from my mistakes and grown up into a more mature girl because of them and yet that wouldn’t be true. I am less naïve to matters of the heart now and try to think about my decisions with a more long- term outlook. Yet, I struggle and I think that’s mainly because I am not ready for a relationship yet. I am sure I will eventually change but for now, there is nothing wrong with being single and muddling my way through the pool of men that Exeter has to offer! On a more serious note, please make sure you are safe on your nights out girls!

Picture Credits: www.tumblr.com. www.blog.micros-ecommerce.com