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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

HCX would like to formally introduce you to Jamie Sones– this week’s Campus Cutie. If hockey players and TP are your favourite combination, this stud is definitely worthy of your attention. Read on to find out more!

Name:  Jamie Sones

Age: 18

Year:  First

Degree: Economics and Finance

Hometown: London

Relationship Status:  Currently Single!

Describe yourself in 3 words:

Confident, Determined and Ambitious

What is your favourite thing to do in Exeter?

Wednesday Timepiece is definitely one of my favourite nights out; especially the top floor! Also I play hockey so being part of EUHMC and playing for the university is great.

Describe your perfect date:

My perfect date would be a romantic stroll along the beach, dinner under the stars. Followed by a dip in the jacuzzi, if I’m lucky! (Haha).

What do you look for in a girl?

She would definitely have to be sporty and have great banter.  Good looks would of course help!

Proudest moment at Exeter so far?

My proudest moment would definitely be winning BUCS league for hockey! Oh and being a campus cutie of course!

If you were stranded on a desert island, what are the three things you would bring?

Ohh, definitely my mum as she would be a great help and she is great company! (Aww ladies he loves his mum).  I would also take lots of food and my hockey stick to keep training!

Most likely to spot you on campus:

Probably in the gym or on the hockey pitch. You can find me on Mondays at Arena (Jamie works for Original Sin) and again, Wednesday Timepiece.