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Is It Ever Okay For Women To Make The First Move?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

Traditionally it has been thought that men make the first move in initiating a date and then transforming it into a relationship. But is this really the modern way for women now? Surely we should feel confident enough to strike up the conversation first or lean in for the kiss before the guy does. This article is not going to be a feminist rampage, but there must be a feeling that we have just as much right to go for it with the man we like, as they do in pursuing us.

Imagine being at the bar in Timepiece and rubbing elbows with a hot guy next to you. Your eyes meet and the barmaid is trying to decide between who to serve. The dilemma approaches: you may hope that the guy gallantly offers to buy you a drink. However, as students living on a shoestring we should not expect that to happen. Instead feel brave enough to suggest he gets his drink before you and maybe ask where he’ll be later on. The confidence will endear you to him as a girl who knows her own mind.

Similarly although it’s hard for all of us girls to feel 100% about our looks, we really need to try to make this change. On a night out, if a guy is checking you out or offers to buy you a drink it’s because he’s interested. Top Tip: Always be careful with someone you met just for the first time that night.

The first move does not only apply to organising a first date but once you in a relationship as well. Us girls should frankly be a bit insulted if other halves do not propose taking us out to dinner once-in-a-while or are not prepared to sit through Love Actually every Christmas. But, it does not mean that gentlemanly gestures that we should naturally expect from boyfriends need to lead the way in a relationship. As previously mentioned in Love Lesson #7, it is important as girls we surprise him too-take it upon yourself to plan something private and personal. Whether it is you organising something for a Saturday lunchtime or perhaps spicing it up in the bedroom-go for it.

There are articles on the internet promoting caution in this department, saying that if girls take too much control in the eternal game of dating then it gives a guy an excuse to end it sooner under the guise of, “too much too soon”, or “not being in control”. However, I think that surely now in a time of gender rights in all aspects of life then surely dating is no exception. We should be bold with how we speak, look, and behave; let’s wear the trousers in dating and not be scared to take the plunge and make the first move.

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Second year student at Exeter studying International Relations with French. Whilst trying to procrastinate from my 9 hours a week, I play lacrosse and now do a bit of writing for HCX, going out with friends and love a good bit of sofa time at mine on Longbrook Street. Hoping when I grow up to have a career in journalism or international development as well as trying to visit as many countries as possible.