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How To Lose A Guy In 3 Steps…

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

There is nothing worse then waking up with terrifying flashbacks from the night before, and photos slowly emerging of you kissing an undesirable male. So you get up and go about your daily business, managing to keep your eyes down to avoid all potential contact with said boy from the night before. But what happens if on the next drunken encounter he comes back for more?

3 simple steps can be taken which range from letting him down gently to full-scale signals, depending on how easily he gets the hint that you had engulfed near on 14 Sambuca shots on your previous night of passion.


You’ve had a few drinks, you feel its appropriate to move to the dance floor, yet quick as a flash he’s there, slowly making his way assuming you want to grind upon him. As he approaches, don’t give him any eye contact, not even a seconds glance. If he puts his arm around, slink out of the embrace perhaps even try to palm him off upon another girl. If there are proximity issues and he leans in for a kiss, pull a classic duck and weave. If he still hasn’t got the hint, move away, perhaps to the other side of the room if you have to. Although this could not be an effective move if Timepiece or Mosaic is your environment. 


Weirdly if moving away and ignoring him still doesn’t send the message that you’re not interested, your friends can play a key role in avoiding another run-in. Best friends may find it hilarious to make situations worse for you and said boy, but after displaying your ‘save me’ face they can form a sort of human barrier to prevent access. A tight dance circle is key in ensuring the boy realizes he should move on.  


If by this stage he hasn’t got the message, desperate times call for desperate measures. Time to bring out the big guns by dancing like your dad! Perhaps attempt and fail a worm on Top floor Timepiece, or pull the most ridiculous faces that even Photo Booth effects on your laptop couldn’t rival. Like flicking a switch, boys become turned off just as quickly as they become turned on so dazzle him with your ability to be the most unattractive girl he has ever met. He will soon himself question why he has been chasing you in the first place and be easily persuaded to leave you well alone in the future. Think – ‘Snapchat uglies’..

Photo Credits – Somercards.com, digitaltrends.com