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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

Well here we are. In another lockdown. Less than ideal, granted, but if it’s what we need to do then I’m going to make the best of this month. There are so many things we learnt to do in the last lockdown to keep ourselves busy and I am really putting them to use this time round! 

The first thing I do each day is to get up and do some exercise. Even if it’s only 30 minutes of cardio in the garden or a short yoga sequence, it really helps to prepare me for the day and gives a great kick of endorphins. 

My aim of this lockdown is to do as much work as possible since I can’t really do much else! I want to be able to enjoy Christmas, as much as possible given restrictions. I’ve started by getting on top with some readings and lectures. To help, I’ve been writing a lot of lists on old scrappy pieces of paper, because once they are complete, I love the feeling of throwing them away! It sounds strange but it is effective, trust me. In my academic planner I have a massive list with all the work that needs to be done, with scary deadlines in red. So, because I don’t want to freak myself out anymore than the world is already doing, I have put manageable amounts on these pieces of paper each day. It makes me feel like I’m being way more productive. 

I think it’s nice to have some things to look forward to, even in the midst of lockdown. I have planned a few movie and game nights because I found that it is a good way of having something to look forward to. Why not try writing a quiz for your housemates or all get together and do some baking before sitting down to watch a film together. While we can’t go out to pubs and clubs, there are no rules against bringing them to your front room! Dress up and party with your housemates, it is a great mood booster and stress reliever. 

"You Got This" sign with iPhone next to it
Photo by Prateek Katyal from Pexels

I like to arrange facetimes with friends and family; it is really important to keep in touch at a time like this. If you are struggling, please get in contract with friends and family. If you think a friend or family member is struggling, please reach out to them. Lockdown is hard, the best thing we can do is to be there for each other. Just remember that it is okay to not be okay. A simple ‘hey, how are you?’ could make someone’s day. 

Don’t forget to stay positive. It seems hard, but it is so important for your mental health. I like to have a bit of me time at the end of each day, where I have a shower, do my skincare routine, put on my pjs and get into bed to watch something funny like Friends. It is one of my favourite times of the day as I get to relax. 

This year is nearly over and here’s hoping 2021 is significantly better! This is only a small part of our lives in the great scheme of things after all. Stay safe, stay happy, and stay positive.




Sophie is in her final year at the University of Exeter. She is the President, Editor in Chief, Social Secretary and Campus Correspondent for the Exeter Chapter of Her Campus (2021 - 2023). Sophie would love to work in the media, specifically marketing, when she graduates because of her love for reading and editing... in fact as you read this she is probably wishing that she was lying by a pool with a good book and an iced coffee!