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How To Get Your Course Cutie To Notice You

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.



Let’s be honest here, although some of our lectures are very interesting, it is very common for your eyes to start to droop or take interest in who else is submitted to the same 9am boredom that you are. The casual glance around the packed lecture theatre always proves fantastic people watching. This is especially effective when it is dark and your spying can go mainly unnoticed! Ever spotted that fabulously good looking guy that sits near the back? Ever spent the entire lecture day dreaming about the incredible relationship you two would have? If this is the case, HCX has a couple of pointers to send you in the right direction to getting the fitty to notice you!


  1. Check to see if He is sitting with any of your mutual friends

Mutual friends are a great way of getting to know that boy on your course that you fancy. If you do have mutual friends who are sitting with him, go over to them and say hello. Have a conversation and push for a cheeky introduction so that he has no choice but to notice you.

  1. Choose your seat wisely

Next lecture, casually just happen to sit a couple of seats away from him; not too close to be creepy but close enough so that he knows you are in the vicinity! If you met him in the previous lecture, be sociable and strike up conversation. This will get you one step closer to becoming friends with him, and with time…this could lead to more than friends!

  1. Organise a study date

After the lecture comment on how hard you might be finding ______(insert module) and see if he has any tips. If you are brave or both struggling, suggest a time to go over some of the lecture notes with him. This will not only act as excellent revision and preparation for your course, but is a great excuse for a study date!

  1. Meeting up in relaxed locations

Okay, all your hard work is paying off and you end up being put into a group together for a group presentation. Rather than organising a library trip, suggest you and a couple of other classmates head to Costa/The Ram/Dev House and talk about said group presentation. This will show him that there is more to you than just lectures, whilst getting cosy over some lovely hot chocolate!

  1. Research his hobbies

Find out about his common interests or if he plays a sport; then read up about them so you can have a conversation about the latest matches, scores, players etc next time you see him.

  1. Be yourself!

Finally and most importantly, be yourself. Just talk to him, be natural and you will definitely get his attention. If he doesn’t notice you, then he is truly not worth your attention or time!


Finally, check out how our fellow American Collegiettes do it here!


Now these top tips are not a fool proof formula to make this guy take you out on a date or declare his undying love for you however, they may at least get him to sit up and take notice; the rest ladies is up to you…


Photo Credits: academicsuccesscoaches.com, lexicontwirl.wordpress.com, guardian.co.uk

Georgie Hazell is a final year Anthropology and International Politics student at the University of Exeter, UK. Georgie became involved with Her Campus during her semester studying abroad at the College of William & Mary, along with Rocket (the campus fashion magazine), Trendspotters (the campus fashion TV show) and Tri Delta sorority. She hopes to pursue a career in media or marketing in the future. Georgie has a passion for travel and experiencing new cultures, and spent five months travelling the world on her Gap Year.