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HCX’s Guide to Busting Travel Boredom!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

Travelling is an amazing adventure, however the getting there can always be an issue. We have all had those long journeys which seem to last forever, as you desperately flick through your iPod to find the ‘right’ song or cling to that last glimmer of Wifi before setting off into the unknown. Whilst it may be tempting to travel into the land of dreams for the journey, Her Campus has some suggestions which could turn that tedious travelling into a fun filled adventure.

Travel games

Whilst for this Her Campus writer, the infamous ‘Red Car, Yellow Car’ has been eternally banned from all family journeys, there are other less dangerous games you can play with your fellow travellers. A couple of suggestions where all you will need is paper and a pen include the classic ‘Noughts and Crosses’ and ‘Squares’. If you are a more prepared traveller, Her Campus recommends you check out some magnetic travel games which will stay secure on the more bumpy areas of the ride such as GoPlay Travel Games.

People watching

Now, we all may hate to admit it – but we have all played the nosier version of ‘I spy’ at least once (or maybe twice, but who is counting?), and it is a game that can be played by the solo traveller as well. We’ve heard fun variations, from the ‘How did that couple meet?’ guessing game, to the frowned upon ‘is it the daughter or mistress?’ Whatever the variation, make sure you keep the noise levels down, unless you fancy a few awkward situations to ensue …

Start a travel journal

If you are an aspiring writer (or just someone with a terrible memory such as myself), a travel journal is the perfect way to make sure you can remember all the details you want to tell your friends and family back at home. The long journey to your destination is the best place to start, such as planning what you want to see whilst you are away, coming up with the perfect travel playlist, or even writing the ‘present list’ for all those people back home. 


If you are travelling by either car, bus, or train – photography is a great way of starting the photo album. For daydreamers and photographers alike, it’s perfect for remembering all the amazing sites that the country has to offer. From landscapes, to motorway traffic, each photo will remind you of the journey when looking back in years to come. Just aim that camera out of the window and start capturing the view!

Get ahead with uni work

Unfortunately for this Her Campus writer, on the last family holiday this was what most of the nine hour train journey was dedicated to. Whilst it is not the most ideal travel task, since you have a rare moment of distraction-free time, it will provide time for a chunk of that humongous ‘essential’ reading list. Thus leaving you worry-free for the rest of your holiday!

Listen to an audio book

If reading makes you travel-sick, or you’re feeling a little lethargic, there’s nothing better than settling down to a light-hearted audio book to help the time go by swiftly! Audio books are especially great on car trips because you can all join in on the excitement as the story unfolds. Classic audio books such as Harry Potter are always going to be a favourite, but it’s worth stocking up on a variety, especially if you’re planning on travelling for quite a while!

And remember fellow travellers what Jack Kerouac said in ‘On the Road’: “The road must eventually lead to the whole world”. All that ‘tedious’ travelling is definitely worth it in the end.

Photo Credits: www.deviantart.com, www.travelyourself.ca, www.fortheloveofwanderlust.files.wordpress.com, www.community.sparknotes.com, www.adzuna.co.uk, Pinterest

Shannon is a first year law LLB student. When she is not buried in a mountain of law books, she spends her time indulging her keen passions for travel, films and blogging.