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HCX Study Abroad: Lead Up To Christmas In Hong Kong

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

Well with my flights booked home for Christmas I am now counting down the days till I am home with mince pies and mulled wine. I cannot believe how fast this whole experience is going. It sad to think that in 5 weeks I am going to have to say good bye to most of the exchange students who are only here for a term but I guess I cant the opportunity to experience another fresher’s week in January!

Life in Hong Kong has settled down a lot; unfortunately I feel like I am drowning in work but I keep on reminding myself that I am in Hong Kong and that Christmas really isn’t that far away. However, the amount of work hasn’t stopped me from exploring and seeing Hong Kong and Asia as much as I can. Last week I flew to Tokyo for the weekend, I have to say that I have never felt so in love with a city and has to be one of my favourite places that I have visited so far since being here. Firstly the temperature was a lot cooler and reminded me of home. I know, that’s obviously not the most appealing thing about Tokyo but it was a nice change to be able to go outside and not feel so humid and sweaty.  The first thing that I bought in Tokyo was a hat as I didn’t realise it would be so cold! It was an amazing place and we got to see the famous Kill Bill restaurant and have drinks on the 52nd floor of the Hyatt, which was rather pricey but completely and utterly worth it. I don’t think I have ever walked into a bar and felt completely speechless! 

52nd Floor, Hyatt, Tokyo, New York Bar.

The adventure of going to Tokyo has left me with some amazing memories that I am not going to forget but has also made me realise how settled I feel in Hong Kong. It is weird to think that Hong Kong is now my home! With Christmas fast approaching, I have already started planning all my presents, the large majority of them being fake designer handbags and watches! It is weird how Christmassy I feel and it is only half way through November. I think I have Starbucks to thank for this and their endless playlist of Christmas songs and of course their Ginger bread lattes. Unfortunately, I have to admit that while in Tokyo a large amount of money was spent in Starbucks.

I never thought that I would feel this Christmassy out in HK considering that Christmas is not one of their major holidays. But Christmas decorations are already up and all the buildings along the harbour have Christmas greetings. Although its sad to see that a large majority of my friends are turning 21 back home and makes me feel slightly homesick wishing I could be there to celebrate with them. However, I will be home at Christmas with lots of prezzies!


I cannot wait to see what the build up is going to be for Christmas considering how Christmassy I feel now and we are still in November! 

Harbour City, Hong Kong.

Photo credits: Laura Hill