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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

Have you ever wondered what your fellow students get up to in-between the sheets?

HCX wants to find out more about the wonderfully varied love lives of Exeter students, so we’ve put together a short Sex and Relationships Survey for you to fill out ANONYMOUSLY. From foreplay to what you consider cheating, Her Campus has covered it all in order to uncover what really goes on in the student bedroom. The survey will be open until the first week of Term 3, when the results will be collated and then published for all you wonderful readers to enjoy!

In order to take part, just click on the following link and then fill in the questions: http://kwiksurveys.com/app/rendersurvey.asp?sid=0px9gsssyc7i2k6111424&refer= . The results are 100% anonymous but if there are any questions that you feel uncomfortable answering, feel free to leave them blank. Remember to share the survey with your friends to ensure we get the most accurate results!

We hope you enjoy the survey as much as you do, and look forward to revealing the results.


Photo Credits: www.tumblr.com