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HCX Review: Urban Burger

This is a sponsored feature. All opinions are 100% from Her Campus.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

Exeter’s original burger joint, Urban Burger, has been known for their extensive range of burgers. However, when I last visited, an especially intriguing addition caught my eye – the evocatively named Elvis donut burger.

Now, I know we like to promote a healthy lifestyle at HCX, and you’re more likely to find quinoa than burgers on our Recipe of the Week – but some things just cry out to be eaten!

So, ever the adventurous eater – and willing to put my taste-buds on the line for the benefit of our readers – I took one for the team and ordered the Elvis, with a side of fries and onion rings for good measure.

The burger is served in a grilled donut instead of a typical burger bun, and it is loaded with American cheese (duh!), crispy bacon, and even peanut butter (you heard right!).This combination did indeed sound fit for the notoriously indulgent tastes of the King of Rock’n’Roll.


First impressions:“OH god it’s bloody massive, should not have worn a belt today!” accompanied by ooh-ing and ahh-ing from my less adventurous mates who all agreed it looked damn tasty.

The verdict:I think you’ll love this if, like myself, you like sweet and salty combos. I’m all about the recent trend for bacon pancakes and syrup , and this burger isn’t a million miles away with its sweet donut and salty bacon.

The burger was cooked really well, and as always the fries and onion rings were on point.

Overall, it totally confused my taste-buds, but in a pleasant way!

Personally, though, the thick layer peanut butter pushed me over the edge, and made the whole thing a little too rich. However the staff are accommodating and would happily take it out if you didn’t like the sound of it.

I’m proud to announce that, like a true champ, I ate the whole burger! However, I found myself absolutely covered in sugar and feeling like I needed to call a taxi to get me home afterwards.

Would I do it again? Probably not – mainly because Urban Burger have such nice options that are a little less belly-busting. But I’m glad I did, it’s definitely something you have to experience.

Elvis, hats off to you if you managed that on the regular!