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HCX Holiday Photo Competition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.



Hello Her Campus readers!


Feeling those post-summer blues as you wrap up in layers and spend your student loan on countless pairs of woolly tights? Annoyed that every time you arrive on campus your newly straightened hair is drenched by the rain and plastered to your forehead?


Well, here at Her Campus we have devised a way to brighten up your day! We are offering one lucky reader a free spray tan, courtesy of Space Hair and Beauty!


All you have to do is take part in our competition below and you will be entered into the running to win!

We want to you to tag the Her Campus Exeter Facebook Friend in photos of your favourite summer holiday memories!


Whether it be a trek across a Thai jungle, you and your surfboard in Cornwall, or even a beautiful city scene, we want to see them all! To show you what we mean, a few of the Her Campus members have shared some of their best holiday photos…


Make sure you tag Her Campus Exeter before Saturday 20th October to be in with a chance of making the top five, these entries will then be posted on the Her Campus webpage to take part in a vote to decide the overall winner… that means it’s over to you to decide who will win the prize for the best photo!

Good luck, and get tagging!

Caroline Butten is a Third Year English student at The University of Exeter. She is planning to pursue a career in Publishing after graduating next Summer, and finds being President of the Exeter chapter of Her Campus is a great way to develop her editorial, marketing and business skills. As well as writing and editing articles for Her Campus, Caroline has a lifestyle blog and enjoys posting about fashion, beauty and baking. Her favourite publications include the UK magazines Company, Glamour and Cosmopolitan. Favourite books include The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd, Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë and any kind of cookery book. On campus, she is a part of the Netball and Lacrosse Clubs, and also studies French language as part of her degree. After University, Caroline plans to spend some time working in Paris both to improve her French and to explore in depth the city she loves.