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HCX Guide to The Commonwealth Games 2014

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

The Commonwealth Games 2014

One of the world’s largest multi-sporting events is coming to Glasgow in 2014 so Her Campus Exeter thought they would share with you what the Games are (for those who don’t know) and how you can get tickets for them…

First things first, what are the Commonwealth Games? The Games are a multi-sport event involving athletes from the Commonwealth nations. The first Games were held in 1930 and have taken place every four years subsequently. Fortunately for us, on July 23rd for 11 whole days the Commonwealth Games are coming to us and here’s how you can grab yourself a ticket or two. 



The games will host 17 different sporting events such as Gymnastics, Cycling, Boxing and Aquatics to name but a few, with athletes such as Tom Daley and Jessica Ennis competing. Tickets are currently on sale and will remain so until Monday 16th September – so if this is something you think you’d be interested in, you’d better get buying quickly! Ticket prices start at just £15, with two-thirds of all tickets on sale for £25 or less. There will also be half-price tickets for under-16s and over-60s, making this event the perfect family day out.


The application process is really very simple. You can apply online or by post, and once the ticketing period had ended you will be contacted about whether your application has been successful. The selection process is completely random – so it really is the luck of the draw. However, if your application is unsuccessful there is a number of free sporting events throughout the Games such as, Athletics – Marathon and Road Cycling. So if you live locally this would be a great opportunity for you to go and see an unmissable sporting event in your city!


Similarly to the Olympic Games, events like these rely upon volunteers for help so, if you do live in Scotland this would be such an exciting and rare opportunity to get involved in the games. So have a research online, and get involved or look into buying tickets for this exciting event coming to Glasgow!