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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

Your subconscious mind is a gift, an extremely powerful tool that if used correctly can be the cheat code to life. It governs the conscious mind, which is why learning how to master the subconscious is extremely beneficial. Our thoughts derive from our subconscious mind and this effects how you perceive your reality and in turn your behaviour.  

 For instance, person A competed in a competition, came 2nd place , and was completely devastated and hated their life for not coming 1st but person B who also came 2nd place was overjoyed  because it was  one step closer to 1st place. This is a prime example of how the same situation is viewed differently from two different perspectives, by constantly choosing to view life from a negative view point this becomes the natural process in your subconscious and is then projected into your conscious reality. Whereas, by reprogramming your mind to have a positive belief pattern, your outlook on life becomes positive and positive behaviours follow. This relates to the well-known phrase “where attention goes, energy flows” (James Redfield), if you fixate your attention on the negative, only the negative will show but equally if you focus on the good, you will perceive better in your life. 

 Now you may be wondering how do you actually reprogramme your subconscious?  

It should be noted this does not happen overnight, to counter the belief system that has been ingrained for so long it takes time and consistency. Here are some of my favourite’s methods that I consider the most effective:  

  1. Affirmations  

Affirmations, more specifically positive affirmations are used to reaffirm a belief into your subconscious, for example “ I am worthy of happiness” , “ I am beautiful” etc. By repeating these same phrases over and over these positive beliefs become so deeply embedded in your consciousness that embracing them evolves into an effortless, natural process for you. 

  1. Visualisation  

If your anything like and love to daydream then visualisation may be the most beneficial method for you. Rather than starting blankly at a wall, use your imagination to envision your dreams and desires. By creating a mental image of what you truly want and capturing this feeling, you are normalising this experience for your subconscious. So when the time comes that it is in your reality (and it will be) , your mind does not resist against it, which is what we naturally do in new & unfamiliar situations. Thereby, aligning you with the highest version of yourself, who wouldn’t want that? 

  1. Meditation  

Meditation is an extremely effective way of making you aware of your unconscious belief patterns that are holding you back from reaching your full potential. When you are in a relaxed meditative state you are able to focus on your thoughts and identify any limiting beliefs, that in a conscious state you were not aware of. You are able to even combine the use of affirmations and meditation to eliminate these negative beliefs for good.  

Your subconscious is a powerhouse, use it and watch your life change. 

Idman Ismail

Exeter '26

Hii, I’m Idman Ismail a first year psychology student at the University of Exeter. I love all things fashion ,self growth, kdramas and romance novels <3