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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

With nearly 6 million adults tuning in every week, podcasts are booming in the UK and quickly becoming a mainstream form of entertainment. Whether you’re at the gym, in the bath or commuting, there’s a podcast to suit every need and every person and most incredibly of all – it’s free!

Podcasts have opened up an entirely new space for women to come together and discuss all the issues we face as a modern woman – from feminism and gender equality, relationships and sexuality to body image and confidence. 

If you’re looking to be well-informed, entertained and inspired, below are some of my favourite podcasts created by women, for women.

1. The Gurls Talk Podcast

Gurls Talk started as an online platform where everybody was welcome to share their experiences in a safe space. Their Mission Statement promises that “absolutely nothing is taboo” and is a place to “inspire each other and influence a positive impact on the world”.

Founded by supermodel and activist, Adwoa Aboah, she hosts the podcast of the same name and every week invites a new guest to speak candidly about a range of issues that women face today. With social media being a constant pressure on our generation, it can negatively affect our mental health and as an advocate for this, Adwoa continues her positive work from the online Gurls Talk platform by hosting fierce, empowering interviews with guests opening up and sharing their own struggles. Her guestlist is diverse with past guests such as Jorja Smith, Serena Williams and Dolly Alderton.

The Stylist praises The Gurls Talk Podcast as a “show for the modern woman.”


2. F*cks Given

Hosted by Florence and Reed, known on YouTube as ComeCurious, they use their platform to open up the conversation about sex and “to extend the existing and limited conversation” around it.  

Each week, they invite a guest to talk about their best, worst and life-changing sex stories. This template is great at ensuring the podcast is hilarious and entertaining, with guests sharing unfiltered and at times cringeworthy tales. F*cks Given wants you to learn about sex – all kinds of sex! It explores what education lacks by discussing inclusive sex, gender identity, STIs, why we shouldn’t stigmatize sex work and techniques to use in the bedroom (yep, you read that right!)

This podcast encourages communication about sex by breaking stigmas and normalizing the conversation around sexual pleasure. It also spreads positive messages about body image and self-confidence.

3. The Reciepts Podcast

Milena, Tolly T and Audrey are a mirror of you and your girlfriends. They give their brutally honest opinions and advice on a range of issues submitted by their listeners – from friendship problems to “I cheated on my boyfriend with the pastor!” The podcast is funny, carefree and really feels like a gossip session or a heart-to-heart with your own best friends.

However, they don’t take their platform for granted and every week address an important issue facing women of colour. They use their podcast to encourage and expand the conversation on race by sharing their own experiences.

The girls are relatable, and you’ll find yourself laughing out loud wherever you’re listening.

4. GirlBoss Radio with Sophia Amoruso

If you enjoyed the Netflix show “Girlboss” as much as I did and sadly reached the end of the series to find out that it had not been renewed, this podcast is for you!

With her multi-million-dollar business empire, NastyGal, Sophia Amoruso is someone everyone can look up to. Every week she hosts honest conversations with trailblazing women, like herself. It explores the complexities women face trying to navigate their personal and professional lives when trying to build their careers. Guests have included Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Michelle Phan, Jameela Jamil, Rupi Kaur – just to name a few.

This podcast is not only inspiring as it showcases strong women and their accomplishments, but it is also a true insight into the struggles they had to overcome in their hard work to success.

Sisi Feng

Exeter '20

Third year Law student at the University of Exeter