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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

This week in the HCX Hall of Fame I am joined by the charming George Paige. For those of you who don’t know George, for a long time now he has been the man behind many of Original Sin’s biggest nights. I will be chatting today with George about the work he has done over the years and why he decided to join the Original Sin gang.

Name: George Paige

Age: 21

Degree: Law

Nicknames: GP, Jorgé, (Pronounced: Whore-hey), Jeepers and Page.

Talk me through your involvement with Original Sin and how it all started?

It started with an idea at the end of my first year, for an event that I wanted to do with a good friend of mine, so we went to Original Sin. We pitched an idea for this festival, which ended up being unrealistic, but instead they offered me the job of being manager at the first student night at Mama Stones. From there I got more and more involved, including The Freshers Week and After Exams Projects. I felt very lucky to run an event for over 2,000 students from the start of my second year. Then in my third year, I took a year out at which point I was made city manager for OS and was asked to run everything in Exeter. Now my baby is Monday nights at Arena, Dirty Sexy People.

Apart from partying, what activities do you get up to outside of your degree?

In my fourth year?? If you had asked me in my second year I would have probably been a lot more sociable. I go to the gym, (I know, I know. it doesn’t really show) Err…what else do I do!?!

What are your plans for after university – where do you see yourself in ten years time?

Originally I thought I wanted to be a lawyer, however I have discovered, probably through OS, that I want to do something more creative. So now I am looking into careers in marketing or advertising.

How does being a campus celebrity make you feel?

An absolute honour, on par with a knighthood, and I’ve always wanted a knighthood.

If a film was going to be made about your life, what would it be called and who would play you?

Seeing as we bare a similar resemblance (*cough*… according to my mum) Zac Efron would star as me in a documentary called ‘101 Dalmatians: The Man Behind the Leash’, because when I was younger I had 12 puppies that starred in the film.

As a fresher on socials, what was your ‘fresher confession’?

Sadly as a fresher I didn’t go to any sports socials, instead I frequented the law ones, which by comparison were probably a bit more straight laced, so thankfully I never had to make the dreaded fresher confession.

What is your family motto?

My mum is always coming up with rather lame expressions; her motto would probably be ‘if you haven’t got anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all’. I tend to take the opposite approach. Is that bad? Perhaps I should listen to her more…

If Roger Hargreaves was writing one of his books on you, which Mr Men character would you be?

Mr Organised, it’s not attractive… I am obscenely organised… some would say borderline OCD.


Now as HCX takes journalism very seriously, we wanted to make sure that we got to know the real George Paige and not just the well-oiled press version. Therefore I went undercover and asked his housemates (the perks of living next-door to such a BNOC *Big Name on Campus, right?) what Mr Paige was like when out of the limelight.

How would you describe George in 3 words?

Meticulous, Excitable and a borderline Megalomaniac!

What is George’s worst household habit?

I wouldn’t say he has a bad household habit as he is the mother hen of the house, however he does do a LOT of washing which means the tumble dryer is often in use when we want it.

In your house dynamics what role does he play?

Mamma Paige, without a doubt! He is quintessential to maintaining a clean and healthy environment, without him we’d be disease ridden urchins.