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Fashionable Baby Bumps: Our Favourite Baby Mamas

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.


Celebrity obsession knows no limits and the media scrutiny does not relent for pregnant celebrities. At HCX we have noticed the fascination the media has with pregnant celebrities and we have decided to jump on the proverbial bandwagon. However, unlike the meaner media outlets out there, we aren’t here to scrutinise and shame but to celebrate our favourite baby mamas.


Rock and Roll mama: Fearne Cotton

The much loved Radio 1 DJ looked fabulous and stuck to her style guns during pregnancy. Her look is an eclectic mix of designer, high street and vintage.

Photocredit: etailpr


She had a little boy called Rex, a unique name to suit her unique style. However, little Rex has nothing on some celebrity choices though, including the famous Apple and Moses. Perhaps hormones were clouding Gwyneth Paltrow’s judgement?


Royal mama: Kate Middleton

In December 2012 Clarence House announced: “”Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are very pleased to announce that The Duchess of Cambridge is expecting a baby”.


Royal fanatics were beside themselves and unsurprisingly Kate’s pregnancy has proved a very stylish one. Kate Middleton’s style has been consistent with her pre-pregnancy looks; chic and royally approved.


photocredit: papuatattoo


Model mama: Gisele Bunchen

At HCX we are starting to doubt this woman is even human. She looked incredible and ever the highest-paid-model during her pregnancy. And her post-pregnancy body still has us scratching our heads. The woman is defying the laws of nature – it shouldn’t be allowed. She kept her style sleek and casual, and her body sleeker still!

photocredits: NY mag


Missing the mark?: Kim Kardashian

This reality star is not one to shy from the spotlight. Kanye West even announced their pregnancy live on stage. Unfortunately, the limelight comes at a price and Kim K has received huge amounts of horrible media attention during her pregnancy.

photocredit: global grind


To be fair, some of her outfits did miss the mark. This one clearly showed it was time to sack the stylist. It resulted in articles titled “Who wore it better Kim Kardashian vs. Shamu?” flooding the Internet. Poor girl, the last thing you want to be compared to is a whale. This was a low blow from the media, and we all know that after her pregnancy she will be back in the spotlight as everyone’s favourite celebrity. We hope she keeps her head held high til then and doesn’t let the press get the better of her.


An article on pregnant celebrities would not be complete without the ultimate celebrity mother Angelina Jolie, who has recently has caused a commotion in light of her double mastectomy.  With six children, a mix of adopted and biological, HCX would hedge bets that this is the most beautiful family, and inspirational baby mama, in the world.

photocredit: basthollywoodstars