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Exeter Lads Opinion on….“The Best Way to Dump a Girl”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

Whether you are the ‘dumper’ or the ‘dumpee’ a break-up is never the most enjoyable experience. I am sure we have all had our Bridget Jones’ moment (crying over sad and soppy music whilst rehashing over the shared memories) at some point in our relationship history. However, as we all know there are some definite “do’s” and “don’ts” when it comes to the dumping situation. In order to understand the matter better, HCX scoured Streatham Campus in search for an honest opinion by the men of Exeter on what is truly the best way to dump a girl. br />

A Birks Grange boy begins with the typical macho response of ‘definitely text or a Facebook message’ but when probed reveals that the dumping would have to be a face to face conversation stating ‘there is dating and dumping etiquette’. His friend laughs at this notion but actually also agrees that you should respect your significant other enough to ‘man-up’ and bite the bullet even though you may possibly have to ‘deal with her reaction’. As much as I would like to believe that all Exeter men have a sense of dignity and respect for their partners sadly this is not always the case. Instead of Prince Charming we are sometimes faced with more of Stifler like character from American Pie. A not so charming English student claimed that his ideal break-up would be over Twitter with a ‘hashtag (#) you’re dumped’ being the key deal breaker arguing this would be a quick, emotionless way to break up without the ‘typical hysteria’ attached to it.

From one extreme to the next HCX ventured on in order to really understand the crucial elements in a break-up situation. A notable EUFC player explained that although break-ups are heartbreaking and have the tendency to be totally awkward, there really is only one ‘proper way’ to do it; through face to face communication. He does however, admit to being tempted by the quick break-up via text or Facebook but claims that he has never actually followed through with these emotionless break-up strategies. Unfortunately, he does name and shame a few of his ‘laddish’ mates who revel in their less than heartbreaking dumping experiences but sadly some of the break-ups were not even worthy of putting into this article!

So what does make a good break-up? To see if whether the boy’s thoughts were in line with girls HCX also asked some of our females readers on their ‘ideal break-up scenario’. The unanimous opinion was (thankfully!) that relationships should only be ended face-to-face. However, even girls were not immune to the temptation of the hassle-free technological break-up through text, Skype or phone calls, but realised that everyone needs a little bit of respect.

As you can see, the ‘grown-ups’ of Exeter seem to respect their partners, dealing with the end of a relationship in a mature manner. Unfortunately there are still, some ‘children’ who would rather dump their significant others like poor old Sarah Jessica Parker, with a post-it note or heartless text. Whilst most boys seem to consider this strategy an easy way of approaching a difficult conversation, many don’t go through this way strategy, choosing face-to-face communication instead. Sadly, this is still happening all over campus! Boys take note: dumping by post-it note is DEFINITELY not okay, man up and do it the proper way!

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Georgie Hazell is a final year Anthropology and International Politics student at the University of Exeter, UK. Georgie became involved with Her Campus during her semester studying abroad at the College of William & Mary, along with Rocket (the campus fashion magazine), Trendspotters (the campus fashion TV show) and Tri Delta sorority. She hopes to pursue a career in media or marketing in the future. Georgie has a passion for travel and experiencing new cultures, and spent five months travelling the world on her Gap Year.