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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

With Halloween fast approaching, the most important question of the season needs to be addressed: What to Wear – Slut or Scare?

Many people – and by people I mean anyone under sixteen – would not find this a difficult decision. You choose an animal, a witch or a Harry Potter character and make yourself look as scary as you possibly can. But by the time trick-or-treating has been swapped for heaving drinking, fake blood and scream masks just don’t quite seem to cut it. The night becomes less about what you are wearing and more about what you aren’t. We’ve all seen Mean Girls, we all remember Lindsay Lohan dressed as a dead bride in a room full of girls in lingerie, and we all remember Regina’s dad crying as she strutted around in her bra and bunny ears. But which one of the Mean Girls are you going to be this Halloween?

First of all, you have four main options: be boring and don’t dress up, go all out and terrify all the children in your street, be original (Trampire anyone?!) or simply get out some nice underwear, stick on some cat ears and you’re ready to go. However, your choice of outfit will depend on what you want from a Halloween night out. Are you comfortable enough to wear a traditional witch’s costume in a sea of sexy outfits? Are you trying to score? Suffice to say, you’re less likely to get any action if you opt for the former.

However, if you do opt for the latter, remember to consider this: how little is too little? Halloween should be fun and you need to feel comfortable in what you’re wearing, not constantly pulling down your skirt for fear of looking slutty. On the other hand, if you want to wear something revealing, don’t let anyone else’s judgement stop you, because they’re probably just jealous!

There may be a middle ground of Halloween costumes that we girls have yet to discover but until then, the decision is yours: will you dare to bare or dare to scare?

Georgie Hazell is a final year Anthropology and International Politics student at the University of Exeter, UK. Georgie became involved with Her Campus during her semester studying abroad at the College of William & Mary, along with Rocket (the campus fashion magazine), Trendspotters (the campus fashion TV show) and Tri Delta sorority. She hopes to pursue a career in media or marketing in the future. Georgie has a passion for travel and experiencing new cultures, and spent five months travelling the world on her Gap Year.