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The Benefits of Green Tea

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

You’ve seen all those boxes of tea bags with fancy flavours in the supermarket when you’re stocking up on some more PG Tips, but have you ever actually thought about trying any of them? Maybe the most adventurous cup of tea you’ve ever had is taking it black because you forgot to buy more milk. But green tea is definitely something you should try – there are so many benefits to it, so read on to find out why you should start drinking it…

Cancer Prevention

Scientists say that green tea contains certain antioxidants (called polyphenols) that can actually help to prevent the growth of cancer cells in the body! And green tea has been shown to have significantly higher polyphenol contents compared to other teas, which is why it’s claimed to be so effective.

Boosts Weight Loss

Green tea has been shown to boost your metabolism, which can help you lose some weight or just help you stay healthy! Green tea can also boost your energy levels and stop you feeling bloated. Plus, since it’s not drunk with milk and not often drunk with sugar, it contains less calories. It’s also said to help regulate your glucose levels after you’ve eaten, which can help prevent excess fat storage.

This is also linked to green tea supposedly helping sufferers of Type II diabetes, because green tea slows down the rate at which the sugars in starches is broken down, and it may regulate the release of insulin in diabetics.

The Feel-Good Factor

There’s an amino acid found in the tea leaves used in green tea that can help you relax and stay calm, which might come in handy if you’re up late and stressed out trying to finish a homework for tomorrow morning! It can also help you fight that feeling of fatigue with its fat-burning properties, and fatigue often causes you to feel a bit low.



The polyphenols in green tea have been shown to stop harmful UV rays from damaging your skin, and also fight skin cancer to a degree. And because of its antibacterial properties and the fact that it helps get rid of toxins in the body, it can help reduce acne! Some people like to apply green tea as a face mask, but it’s also effective in giving your skin a healthy glow when you drink it. Maybe you could try out a green tea face mask next time you feel like pampering yourself.

Cholesterol and Blood Pressure

I’ve mentioned the antioxidants in green tea plenty of times already, but there’s so much they’re good for – and another thing is helping to lower cholesterol and blood pressure, too.

Beats Bad Breath

Since green tea is a natural anti-bacterial, it can help to get rid of bacteria in your mouth that can cause you to have bad breath (as well as tooth decay) – so it might be a good idea to have some green tea after that curry before you head out to the clubs for the night! It’s also shown that green tea doesn’t stain your teeth as much as other teas do, either.

Obviously, it won’t be everyone’s cup of tea, but even if you don’t usually like drinking tea, it’s worth giving this type a try. There are loads of green tea infusions you can try, too, so you can find the one you like best. Personally, I like Twining’s Pure Decaffeinated Green Tea. The health benefits are abundant and most definitely worth adding a box of green tea bags to your next shop!


Photo Credits: www.pinterest.com

Hey, I'm Beth :)I'm currently a Physics undergrad from South Wales. I did A Levels in French, Spanish, Physics and Maths, and I love reading and writing booksxo