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Bedroom Etiquette: The Top Most Annoying Habits

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

We all notice people’s small, annoying habits from nail biting to over-laughing, and often it’s just too rude, or too petty to correct them…But when you find annoying habits in the bedroom, it suddenly turns serious! We found two Exeter lads and lasses willing to vent their views about the most important bedroom habits, so read up to ensure you are not guilty of any villainous bedroom behaviour.

What the ladies believed to be the most annoying bedroom habits:

  1. Dirty bed sheets! – Seriously guys, student or not, wash the bloody bed sheets! “Move the bed away from the mouldy wall, air them, Febreeze them, I don’t care, just keep ‘em clean!”

  1. Creepy posters – Just because us girls enjoy an episode of Keeping up with the Kardashians, doesn’t mean we want to see Kim, covered in pearls, baring all on your wall! Your posters don’t turn us on and we don’t want to compete with them, so take them down!
  1. The Ex-factor – We understand that you’ve most probably had lives before us. However, “ in recollecting the past, we don’t want to hear anything other than how much better we are than your ex.” Try to refrain mentioning their name in the bedroom, we’ll take it as you thinking about them as opposed to us!


  1. Bantersaurus Rex  –Us girls love a funny guy, but not between the sheets! Farting under the covers is definitely too much! “You transform from a sexy, funny Adam Brody to a sweaty Lee Evans in a few jokey moves!”
  1. Toenails – Us girls respect you boys: we paint our toenails and fingernails and trim, cut and shape them for you to ensure they are in tip top condition… So the least you can do is not scratch us with your obscenely long toenails! It’s vile. You could be Brad Pitt and it’d still turn us off! CUT THEM!
  1. Eating in bed – We love snuggling up to our men; there is genuinely nothing better than a good uninterrupted cuddle. So when a two-day-old monster munch digs into our back, it’s safe to say we are unimpressed! You have a kitchen for a reason; eat in it, not in the bed!
  1. Checking your phone – We don’t care that you need to update your Fantasy Football or that Simpsons Tapped Out needs playing, we’ve come over to see you so don’t put an app before us! Put your phones to the side, you’ll soon know if its anything important, in the mean time give us the attention!
  1. Socks, socks, socks- Do we have to explain? Take them off!


What our lads believed to be the most annoying bedroom habits:

  1. Toys’r’us – “We haven’t come round to hang out with Winnie the Poo and the entirety of the Teddy bears picnic! Get them off your bed, you’re not four anymore and us guys shouldn’t have to endure their beaded eyes staring at us at such a crucial time!”


  1. Calling us the wrong name – You would be surprised how many stories this has sparked off; our poor Exeter men have been a victim of far too many mistaken identities! “I once got called my housemates name, I literally had no idea how to react to that; I have a three letter simple name, remember it!”
  1. Playing annoying music – “I actually understand it, girls like to get in the romantic zone with some romantic music, but, I can’t feel like a real man when I’m listening to Pixie Lott, switch it up for something we both like!”


  1. Overdoing the perfume – “I know its hardly B-O but wearing too much perfume actually hurts my head, I can’t get in the zone if I have a sore head. Seriously two sprays girls, three max!”

    5.   Laughing for no reason – “If I was to laugh out of the blue, my girlfriend would take it personally and I’d have an inquest as to why. When she randomly giggles, I’m supposed to keep going. It makes me self-conscious too!”

  1. Cuddle Queen – “I really love a good cuddle too, but when I am trying to fall asleep and your limbs are all up in my grill, and your hair is in my face, it goes too far.” Remember ladies, it doesn’t mean your man suddenly hates you if he just wants to fall asleep on the other side of the bed…It just means he will be more awake for a morning cuddle!


  1. Old PJ tops – “My ex kept this ugly ‘Hello Kitty’ top on all the time, unless its my top, it’s not hot!” Fair enough ladies, we can’t say no to socks whilst we wear our old gym shirt to bed…
  1. Décor – “I don’t think any guys really care that much about your room, after all we are students, but when we have to sieve through bras and underwear it goes too far. In fact, I once got into bed with a girl who had fake tan and mascara stains all over the pillows and the sheets-so much for clean girls!” What would Kim and Aggy say ladies!


So that’s it people, its seriously simple stuff, be clean, not clingy and just respect each other! Remember that at the end of the day, toenails and perfume won’t make or break you. Just be comfortable, safe and happy. Enjoy your bedroom time, and if you find an annoying habit, tell your partner, after all there’s only so many bed bugs we can handle!


Photo Credits: www.curiano.com, www.flickr.com, www.pinterest.com, www.web.stagram.com, www.theperfectisanity.tumblr.com, www.favim.com

I'm Lilymay, I'm 20, studying Law and I'm essex born and bread, unfortunately!