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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

Name: Alex Stares

Age: 21

Year: 3rd

Degree: Economics and Business Management

Hometown: Woodford Green, Essex.

Star sign: Virgo

Relationship Status: Single 

What societies are you involved with on campus? BESOC Football and Golf (not to mention previous stints with Water Polo and Lacrosse – I’ve got the tattoo to prove it).

Describe yourself in 3 words: Exuberant, Humorous and Spontaneous

What 3 items would you take to a desert island? A row boat, some beers and Chuck Norris

Favourite chat-up line? Can’t say I use them, but my friend has one that seems to work. You ask 3 questions. 1) Do you find me attractive? 2) Are you single? 3) Then you have no reason not to kiss me. Does the trick.

What’s your default date in Exeter? Go to Al-Farid in Exeter, something different from the standard restaurants and bars, very chilled and unique, then see where we end up. Doesn’t matter what or where to be honest, if the person is funny, easy to talk to and doesn’t take things too seriously then I am guaranteed a good time.

What are your ultimate turn-ons in a girl? I like someone who takes care in her appearance, has common sense, good chat and is not afraid to go all out.

Turn-offs? Arrogance, snobby, bad manners.

Where would we usually find you hanging out in Exeter? On the golf course. I’d like to say the gym but who really does go as much as they should?

What super power would you choose and why? Omnilinguilism: the ability to understand any form of language (because sometimes the language of love just isn’t enough). 

Plans after Uni? Going travelling, maybe a ski-season depending how much I enjoy VT.

How do you feel about being given the honour of Campus Cutie? If it attracts my other half then why not?

Francesca is a 3rd-year English student with a passion for fashion, travel and all-things theatre-related. After graduating this summer (fingers crossed), Francesca hopes to spend some time working and adventuring whilst figuring out what to do next. She loves going for coffee with friends, hosting dinner parties and spending hours mentally decorating her dream home on Pinterest.