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3 Pieces of Love Advice You Should Ignore

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

1.) Don’t Get Together With Your Best Mate

Look at Yoko Ono and John Lennon. Jay Z and Beyonce. I mean, technically we don’t know if these people were best friends before they fell in luuurve. In fact, Yoko and John were disastrous together… BUT THE POINT IS THIS: people get together all the time. Don’t over-analyse it. “Oooo but what if we break up and then the friendship is ruined forever?!” I hear you cry. No-one cares. You want to be with someone that you have fun with and if that’s your best guy mate, just go for it.

2.) Play It Cool

‘Babe, you should wait three hours before you reply to that text. And when you do reply, say you can’t go on the date because you’re busy for the next two weeks. And then say forever.’ NO. This is exactly the kind of well-meaning but useless advice that you will get pelted with when you’re talking to someone you like. Don’t ignore him. Don’t tell him that you’d love to meet up but you can’t because you’re moving to Africa with your new boyfriend. There’s only so much cool you can play before you just become glacial and he gives up forever.

3.) Make Him Pay For Everything

Obviously he has to pay for everything. If he doesn’t, he’s an idiot. But don’t let on that you believe he should pay for that Nando’s binge. Offer to go halves. Wave your credit card around half-heartedly (‘Please…no…Let me get this’).


Photo Credits: weheartit.com