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3 Easy Fixes for Dull Winter Skin

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

We all know that winter months tend to be hell for our skin. Ideally no girl wants to be walking around campus with flaky, dry and dull skin… Never mind trying to impress one of those sexy Campus Cuties! So here are our top three easy Holy Grail steps to attaining incredible, radiant skin.


This is a step that a lot of us forget to do after a messy night out in Arena, when all you want to do is indulge in some cheesy chips. However, something that is essential and will also make your face feel fresh is taking your make up off with a really good cleanser. Cleansing removes all make up from your skin and allows it to breathe, meaning that your skin will be free from any nasty blemishes. A product which is constantly raved about and often described as one of the best cleansers on the market is the Bioderma cleanser. Problem? As this is a French product it could be somewhat tricky to get a hold of, but anything is possible in the hands of Amazon or eBay. Trust us, all the hassle will be worth it in the end! Another miraculous option is the N°7 Beautiful Skin Cleansing Water which is readily available at any Boots store. Personally, I have been using this product to remove my make up for only two weeks and already my skin is looking miles better… so why not give it a go and see for yourself?


Black heads and impurities are two of a girl’s worst enemies. One easy way to rid yourself of these is to exfoliate three or four times a week. Exfoliating works by removing all the dead cells that are lingering on your skin, clearing your pores and leaving your skin looking flawless. The St Ives Invigorating Apricot Facial Scrub will work wonders on your skin and you’ll soon be able to wave goodbye to those pesky blackheads. For those with more sensitive skin, try using the Gentle Apricot Facial Scrub also from St Ives. These products are currently on offer at Boots so hurry up and grab some: your skin will be looking radiant in no time!


This step is definitely the most important of all and will leave you skin looking hydrated and glowing. The cold weather that comes with the winter months will dry out your skin, and may leave it looking somewhat flaky… and no girl wants super dry skin on their agenda. Drinking at least a litre and a half of water a day is going to ensure that your skin is looking fresh and flawless for nights out with the girls. In my opinion, the holy grail of all skincare products is definitely a good moisturiser. I have to admit, sometimes I’m naughty and do forget to moisturise but it makes such a huge and noticeable difference when I do. One product that is repeatedly praised in the beauty world is the Elizabeth Arden 8 Hour Cream which is a thick moisturiser that will soothe and restore the skin, whatever your skin type. Although this little beauty is a definite must, it does come at a price of £25 for a 50ml bottle! However fear not, if you’re just not up for the splurge, there is a much more affordable alternative which is just as great. This is the Johnson’s Daily Essentials Day Cream which costs only £3.

A less essential, but nonetheless fun thing to do is to buy yourself a face mask. What girl doesn’t enjoy indulging in a quick and easy mask that will make their skin look and feel incredible? Montagne Jeunesse have an endless list of different masks to treat your skin with, and for £1.29 who could say no! Face masks are a perfect addition to any fun pampering night with the girls… along with a cheeky bottle of wine of course!
So there we have it ladies, with these three essential steps we can wave goodbye to dull winter skin and maintain that radiant summer glow all year long.

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Georgie Hazell is a final year Anthropology and International Politics student at the University of Exeter, UK. Georgie became involved with Her Campus during her semester studying abroad at the College of William & Mary, along with Rocket (the campus fashion magazine), Trendspotters (the campus fashion TV show) and Tri Delta sorority. She hopes to pursue a career in media or marketing in the future. Georgie has a passion for travel and experiencing new cultures, and spent five months travelling the world on her Gap Year.