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12 Asos Items you Absolutely Need in Your Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

With Christmas fast approaching, and term 1 loan fast decreasing, we can confirm this is probably about the worst time for retail therapy.

But here at HerCampus, we understand the craving, the persistant little voice in your head that whispers; ‘just a quick look at Asos’, before you start that essay.

We’re here to ease your shopping guilt. and save you some time by pointing out at least a few of the things you absolutely need, so you dont have to!

Aren’t we nice?

So here’s to treating your fave person, because she deserves it. Probably.


1. This coat.

Capey, powder blue and excellent all round.


2. Oh this skirt.

Oh wow. 



3. This yellow bag!

Because you probably don’t even HAVE a yellow bag yet, do you?



4. This scardigan

Because we just invented a word for you.



5. This cute little headband

Because it’s cold out there. Ish.



6. Hello Chelsea boots.




7. Oh Motel




8. This co-ord.

Because its effing fabulous, just like you.



9. This pink coat.

Because who needs food money anyway?



10. This watch.

Because its pink and gorgeous (and it tells the time).



11. Look at these lovely things.

You need these too.




12. Shoegasm.

Another pair of trainers you wouldn’t dare excersize in.


Happy spending ladies. You. Are. Welcome.