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10 Reasons You Should Be Dancing This Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

Still looking for a new goal this year? Make yours to attend a dance class. I’m currently Hip Hop rep on the Dance Committee here at Exeter, and I can honestly say that I’ve seen all these ten reasons to be true!

1)   A more enjoyable way to exercise…

Dancing is a fun, sociable way to fit a good workout into your day. The relaxed nature of dance classes will take your mind off the hard work whilst you’re burning all those calories. A Hip-Hop class can burn up to 610 calories in just 60 minutes. All you have to do is have fun whilst making some new friends, easy!


2)   Strength, stamina, flexibility…

All of these things can be improved through dance. Core strength is a major aspect of all dance styles, so quit the sit-ups and try out a dance class instead! Ballet is particularly great for core strength. Of course your stamina will be tested as you repeat the given routine time and time again to drill the steps in to your head. Classes like Zumba, which use dance as a base for aerobic exercise, specifically target your stamina ability. Flexibility is practised through deep stretches at the end of the class, allowing you to one day perform the classic party trick that is ‘the splits’, on a drunken night out.


3)   Coordination…

The dreaded word for those of us who have two left feet. Dance requires a lot of coordination. This stimulates your brain as well as your body, keeping every part of you active! Good coordination improves balance and timing, two things that will definitely making daily life easier.


4)   Self esteem…

If you’re feeling fed up and are still suffering from January blues, get yourself to a dance class. Not only will it take your mind off the outside world, dancing is the perfect way to feel good about yourself. The sense of achievement when you have learnt, practised and perfected a routine after a few weeks of classes is brilliant.


5)   Awareness of your body…

Look after your body! Dancing, besides all the fun, allows you to understand what your body can and cannot do. For example, through warm ups and cool downs you become aware of how flexible you are, what hurts and what doesn’t, and of course how you can then improve these things. You may even be surprised as you find yourself being able to do more than you first thought!


6)   Performance…

If you’ve always wanted to perform but been too scared to try it, attending regular dance classes will be perfect for you. Every lesson you are performing, just with out an audience. You are the only one watching and you’re doing it for you! Teachers will often put on a showcase towards the end of a season, where by that time you will be asking for an audience. These showcases remain relaxed and are just there to let you show off a bit!


7)   Stress relief…

If your feeling stressed and just want to put on some really loud music, prance about a bit and see some faces other than your lecturers, go to dance! I find a jazz class really does the job when it comes to stress relief. Then take what you’ve learnt to the Timepiece dance floor…


8)   Keeps you younger for longer…

I know most of us at University won’t be thinking along the lines of old age at this very moment, however this point is still worth mentioning. Studies in The New England journal of Medicine have found that dancing may boost your memory and therefore prevent you from developing dementia at a later stage in life. Not something to worry about just yet, but still pretty impressive.


9)   A new hobby

Starting a new hobby is something we should all try and keep up, especially with the range of societies offered to us here at Exeter. Trying something new is what expands our skills, develops our character and builds our confidence. Even if it doesn’t go to plan, at least you can say you’ve tried it. Exeter’s Dance Society runs classes all week, offering pretty much every style (I recommend the Hip Hop), in a friendly atmosphere. Give it a go!


10) Use your body!

Wake up those sore muscles, cranky backs and tired feet. Our body was made to move, so let it! That’s what dancing really comes down to for me. It’s not about how good you are, if you can do the splits or how many styles you’re trained in. It’s about using what we have been so luckily given, and using it well.


Photo Credits: www.pinterest.com

Hi everyone! My name is Aimee Corry and I'm currently a second year Drama student at Exeter University.