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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter Cornwall chapter.


So Valentine’s Day is coming up, and (un)fortunately some of us may not have yet found someone to share a dominos/bed/life with. But that is not necessarily all bad. Here’s a list of reasons why.

1. Who cares if you put on half your body weight again over Christmas…

2. Or if the diet continues to fail due to post Christmas chocolate/spending too much in Koofi

3. You don’t have to go through the awkward introducing of each other’s housemates- instead you can laze around your own house in your own onesie, eating your own tub of Ben and Jerry’s

4. You don’t have to eat politely in front of anyone. (or use cutlery for that matter)

5. You can go a whole day without texting anyone. (unless you text yourself)

6. You can do your own shopping and buy whatever you want, without having to think about someone else’s dietary needs/demands. (and being single does not stop you from buying enough food for two people)

7. If you’re lucky enough to have a double bed, you don’t have to share it- So. Much. Room.

8. You can get away with rarely washing your hair- who needs a partner when you can buy dry shampoo?

9. You don’t feel guilty if you find certain lecturers attractive. Even if you’re the only one.

10. You can spend Valentine’s Day mulling over what microwave meal to have rather than having to spend half your loan on the Valentine’s menu at ZiZi’s. (even if that does include wine- who genuinely likes wine anyway?)

So don’t fret if you’re single, if people are alone at least they are alone together (excuse the cheese). If you’re lucky enough to be with someone then count your blessings- who knows when two players who go by the name of Ben and Jerry could make an appearance…

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Emily Poole

Exeter Cornwall

History undergrad at the University of Exeter's Cornwall Campus. Love music, writing and trying to be funny in my spare time...