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Top Ten On-Screen Pets

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter Cornwall chapter.

Fellow pet lovers and owners, rejoice! April was the UK’s National Pet Month, and in celebration of our furry friends, a top 10 of our favourite (or not) pets (mostly dogs and cats, let’s be real) from film and TV is needed. Disclaimer: this list is subjective, and the author is aware that other pop culture pets have been excluded, but are still no less important!

10. Paul Anka (Gilmore Girls)

A rather weird canine, this one is. Asocial, scared of his leash and stairs, but then again he’s Lorelai Gilmore’s dog, what did we expect?

9. Lassie (Lassie)

Lassie is the embodiment of canine devotion,  and a pop culture reference to last the ages.

8.  Tramp (The Lady and the Tramp)

A smooth-talking, persuasive and brave specimen, the Tramp waltzed into our hearts and never left.

Also, if you listen to this song once, it’s guaranteed to be in your head for the rest of the day.

7. Garfield and Odie (Garfield)

An orange cat with narcissism whose preferred food is lasagne, and a dog that dances. What’s not to like?

6. Nana (Peter Pan)

Growing up, I’m pretty sure every child wanted this St Bernard as a nanny and protector, and she even gets to fly!

5. Marley (Marley and Me)

A stubborn Labrador, who is also loving, scared of thunder, and eats everything (including gold necklaces). One for me, please!

4. Toto (Wizard of Oz)

With a more minor role than others on this list, Toto is no less cute, and he gets to go to Oz !

3. Dug (Up)

Let’s be honest, yes it’s another talking dog, but how can anyone resist such adorableness. Dug is the epitome of “man’s best friend”, and the only reason he isn’t in first place is because he’s not as developed and humanoid a character as our number one.

2. Scooby Doo (Scooby-Doo)

A talking Great Dane who’s also a detective? I’m in.

1. Brian Griffin (Family Guy)

This cartoon canine can talk, drink alcohol, drive, have relationships and he’s written a book. Enough said.

Molly Griffiths

Exeter Cornwall '18

I grew up in Paris but was born in Ireland to an Irish mother and a British father. I'm literally obsessed with movies and literature. I also love animals and discovering new things.
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Amy Beaumont

Exeter Cornwall

I'm an English Literature and History student, a big fan of cats, and Campus Coordinator for Her Campus Exeter Cornwall.