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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter Cornwall chapter.

This week, we got to know first year Campus Cutie, Florian Baerlocher!

Relationship Status: Single

What course are you on? History.

Where are you from originally? Jersey, the warmest place in the British Isles ;) 

What do you look for in a girl? Personality is important for me. There’s a difference between cute and hot and she has to be cute. Of course, beauty encompasses everything, though it’s not just physical. Quirky but not edgy. 
Favourite chat up line: Noodles or rice? 
What would be your perfect date be? A good day out; maybe Cycling through Battersea or Hyde Park. 
Biggest Turn off: If she’s self-obsessed. 
What’s the most awakward thing that’s happened to you at Uni? A video of me doing an embarrassing booty slap dance, which went viral (available upon request).
Ambitions for after university? Graduate, possibly do a masters degree in economics. I might want to travel abroad to study further, maybe the States…see where life takes me. 
What’s your best quality? I’m quite lively and up for trying new things & also pretty laid back. 
What kind of things do you do in your spare time? I like to play tennis and I’m interested in photography, particularly analogue photography.