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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter Cornwall chapter.

Campus Cutie: Verity Burke!

Campus Cutie: Verity Burke

Age: 19

Hometown: Bath

Relationship Status: In a relationship

Course: Zoology, Second year.

How would your friends & family describe you? “Bubbly, easy-going & classy!”

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? “I enjoy socialising with my friends & family, doing yoga and of course, shopping!”

Do you have any plans after you graduate? “At the moment I have plans to do a Masters degree in the area of conservation. After that I’d like to travel the world for a few years, and eventually enjoy a career that focuses on rare breeds of animals.”

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Laura Sophie Pascoe

Exeter Cornwall

Geography Student at The University of Exeter's Cornwall Campus, part time receptionist at a local hotel, yoga enthusiast and Harry Potter fan.