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Campus Cutie – Richard Evans

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter Cornwall chapter.

Meet this week’s Campus Cutie, Richard Evans!

Campus Cutie: Richard Evans 

Age: 18

Studying: English Literature

Hometown: Porthcrawl, South Wales.

Relationship Status: In a Relationship.

What are the things that make you most happy?  So many things! To pick just a few though: singing like a diva, cooking good food, eating good food and Stevie Nicks.

You’re studying English Literature, how is that? It was always what I was best at in school and I knew it would be the best option for me at university. Also, I love well-written fiction and I think a degree in English Literature is a perfect way to appease that kind of fixation in an…academically productive way…well, ish.

What is your favourite piece of literature? That’s a toughy. There are so many books I love, BUT, I’d have to go with Tolkien’s ‘The Lord of the Rings’ Trilogy as they (books and films) were such a huge part of my childhood.

There are plenty of stereotypes that circulate about the Welsh, how do you think you measure up to these? It’s funny actually, I never even considered my “Welshness” until I came to university…I wouldn’t say I’m much of a stereotype. I have an accent and I’ll occasionally let some Welsh-isms slip, but it’s not like the leek is an essential ingredient in every one of my meals!

Are you a fan of leeks? As aforementioned, I could live without them, but I am partial to a leek in my stew. (Don’t be dirty!)

If you could travel anywhere in the world where would it be and why? I love California and I would go back in a heartbeat! I’m hoping that’s where I’ll end up someday. Other than that, I’d really love to see New Orleans – it looks like such a cultural, musical place.

What has been your favourite moment of university so far? I’ve had so many good memories since coming here but I’d probably say the first day when I met my hall. We all clicked immediately and it was a great night.

If you were an animal what animal would you be and why? A fox because they have pointy faces and they make weird noises. Like me.

What are your aspirations for the future, where do you see yourself in ten years time? I honestly have no idea. I’m not exactly doing the most vocational degree so there are quite a few roads I could go down. But I think there’s fun in the unknown so I approach it with optimism.

What constitutes a ‘Campus Cutie’ for you? Somebody who has no lack of personality…somebody with a kind heart and a good sense of humour…any, if not all of the above! Looks-wise, I don’t really have a ‘type’.

Finally, how does it feel to have been nominated as University of Exeter’s Tremough Campus ‘Campus Cutie’? It feels magical.