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Campus Celebrity: George Perry

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter Cornwall chapter.

George Perry, once campus cutie, now campus celebrity. Talk about moving on up…

How did you get into Ultimate Frisbee?

It all started with my eldest brother, he started university a few years back and was introduced to the sport. Everyone in my family has played a range of sports but never really settled on one, because we hadn’t found the right one. Since then it’s become the family sport and so arriving at university I was ready to hit the ground running and get going.

Is there anything exciting coming up?

The excitement for this term has been and gone really. University indoor men’s and mixed regionals have both been played with really positive results considering we are a development squad. Next term we will have club indoor regionals and university outdoor, which is the highlight of the university calendar!

What do you do in your spare time?

If I’m honest a lot of my time is taken up by Frisbee or Frisbee related things… Along with my course, job, friends and girlfriend there isn’t much time left!

If you could be any colour power ranger which would you be and why?

Well I can’t say I know that much about power rangers, but I really like the colour green, so I’d go with green.

If you had to be chased by 1 horse sized duck, or 12 duck sized horses which would you choose?

The duck sized horses, they’d be adorable and basically harmless.