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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Endicott chapter.

Endicott College is very well known for its extraordinary English and Education department. Because I fall under both of those categories, I have not once received a professor (related to those courses) in which I didn’t like. This semester, as it nears its end, has yet again proven that the professors at Endicott are the best of the best, so making a choice for the best class has become a difficult one. However, one class in particular has stuck out to me: Creative Writing.

I knew right from the start that Creative Writing here at Endicott was going to be one of the best classes I have taken throughout my college and even highschool academic career. The array of english professors on this campus are all fantastic and I have yet to meet one who I dislike even a bit. I fell in love with the class immediately, mainly because the professor taught with the lights off, but mostly because of the amount of time we were given just to write. Free writing is one of my favorite activities. There are no boundaries or judgement, just a keyboard and an empty sheet of paper. Once the writing period was up, we were asked to choose one line from whatever we just wrote, and share it with the class. In doing so, I’ve learned more about all of my fellow peers than I ever would have on my own. This class was eye opening and really pushed me to be my most creative self. 

Emily Crain

Endicott '24

English Secondary Education Major Gender Studies Minor