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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Endicott chapter.

What I Am Thankful For This Year

By Mya Kermelewicz


I hope this doesn’t sound like too much bragging, but I just want to share everything I am thankful for this Thanksgiving. I’m so grateful for all the amazing people I have in my life, especially my family and friends who are always there to support me and encourage me to be the best I can be. It’s actually really nice to just make a list of everything you are thankful for, especially when you’re feeling down to just recognize all the wonderful aspects of your life. So I highly suggest it, because I had a good time (:



A healthy and happy family

This is something to always be thankful for – it’s definitely the most important for me. Family is everything, and top priority so if one of us is sick or unhappy we all feel it. I can’t wait for Thanksgiving break to spend time with not only my mum, dad, and sister but also all my cousins, aunts, and uncles!



My education and the opportunities I have

As much as I can shit on my school sometimes I am excited to learn everyday and further my knowledge in psychology, human services, and creative arts therapy. I have ample opportunities for internships each year and studying abroad. I can’t wait to see what adventures and successes my future holds and it’s all because of the education I am lucky enough to attend.



Not having Friday classes this year

This might sound like a little aspect of my life, but having no friday classes is the best decision I have made. I will never go back if I don’t have to. I can go away or home for the weekend and it’s so much easier than before. I always have a three day weekend to get my shit together and relax or do something fun.


My boyfriend, and the amazing trips I get to go on

This past year I have been able to go on amazing trips to visit my boyfriend, Ryan. He’s in the military which makes seeing each other pretty difficult, but when ever we do see each other it’s always a blissful vacation. We like to go do something new and fun every time we get together, and create these amazing memories and experiences that make the distance worth it. This I am forever grateful for.



Finding an outlet in writing through Her Campus

When I graduated high school I wanted to really find myself in another way and find new outlets for expression (sometimes anger too) without sports. Writing has been amazing for me to express myself, and relax. I write every week and that’s my time to let everything out. I also got a new job at the writing center, tutoring students in any kind of writing. I love being able to help students put all their thoughts into words and write something they didn’t think they were capable of.



My friends at home and school

I’ve always been lucky to have such a good group of friends. At home I think I’ve had the same friends since elementary school and we have such a tight bond. And at school, I have just as great of friends so I feel surrounded by love wherever I am.