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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Endicott chapter.

Self Love Techniques

By: Julia Battistoni


The definition of self love is a regard for one’s own well-being and happiness.

I am not an expert, seeing as I am still struggling with self love too, but I know some simple ways to build up your love and appreciation for yourself. I enjoy talking about my problems which is always my go to move. My honest advice is to talk it out with someone who you trust. This person may have been in the same boat as you or can still give you advice and a listening ear.

I talked to an RA in my building at college, and she has given a great technique. She told me to write things down that make you happy or smile whenever you feel overwhelmed or stressed. I go over the top and write things down in sharpie with small pictures and patterns, but you have to find your own creativity and style to help you. Even if you just write it down, that is fine too because that’s you!

I have noticed a tremendous improvement in myself, because I smile and laugh everyday from my notes. Another technique I use is meditation. Meditation helps you relax and detach from the world so your body and mind can rest. You are not obligated to use this but taking ten minutes out of your day to sit and relax off your technology can benefit you and recharge yourself.

Lastly, taking a walk in nature can always help. You can take at least 15 minutes out of your busy work week to enjoy the scenery and escape from society with you and some friends. These techniques can improve your self love and self esteem each time you use one of them. Whether you believe it or not, it will slowly improve once you take the time for yourself. Trust me, you need it.   

Hi, my name is Julia Battistoni! I am so grateful to be apart of Her Campus! I love the environment, and I am majoring in Environmental Science at Endicott College. I love the color pink, and I am starting to love writing as well. My favorite singer is Rihanna, and I always have music ready for any occasion. I love being my exuberant self and meeting new people. I want to help as many people as possible, because we are all going through life together. I always have a positive note, so if you ever feel down, I will always try and cheer you up!
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