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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Endicott chapter.

You know her & you gotta lover her. Taylor Swift has a big history of making bangers and these 5 are my absolute fav!

Speak Now

Speak now is my FAVORITE Taylor Swift Album for so many different reasons! I think that it encompasses Taylor’s prime writing time. There are many different vibes coming out of this album and it really just gets you in your feels, but it’s also so fun to just blast in the car. My top three from this album are Last Kiss, Dear John, and Back to December. 


Folklore has creeped its way up to being one of my all time favorite Taylor albums. It is so fall coded, which is my favorite season! I love how it is different from anything else she’s put out, and it is just bliss in my ears. My top three from folklore are exile, my tears ricochet, and august. (Fun Fact: I have a tattoo based on the song seven!)


Lover is a spectacular album, it has a mix of sad and happy outgoing songs which are my favorite types of albums. It was one of my favorite eras to listen to at the Eras tour when I went, it gave an upbeat vibe and she opened with it! I also love the pink aesthetic of course. My top three from Lover are The Archer, Death By A Thousand Cuts, and Afterglow.


Red is another fall classic and it always just hits. I went to the Red Tour years ago and it brings back nostalgic memories! Ever since Taylor’s Version Red has become superior in my opinion. There are so many options to choose from to listen to, and the vault tracks are also wonderful. My top three favorites are All Too Well (10 minute version), State of Grace, and I Bet You Think About Me. 


 Last but not least is 1989! I also went to the 1989 tour when I was younger, so I’ve been listening for a long time! It is very pop Taylor Swift, which I also love the vibe of. When Taylor’s
Version came out, my roommate and I stayed up and listened to the whole album, and ever since the vault tracks have been my favorite out of any album. They are so amazing, and they really just upgraded the album a ton. My top three from this album are New Romantics, Is It Over Now?, and I Wish You Would.

Ashlee Davidson

Endicott '27

Hi I'm Ashlee, I'm a sophomore Nursing major and I love Dancing With Stars, Taylor Swift, and my cats:)