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The Final Stretch

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Endicott chapter.




It’s everyone’s most anticipated yet dreaded time of year. We’re officially 6 weeks away from summer, sun, sand and no classes. We all have that countdown and just can’t wait to get out of here, but we are slowly starting to lose steam. Don’t let those blues get you down! This isn’t the time to give up or slow down.

Some helpful tips to get through the pain is a tip that I need to follow myself, DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. Since you already don’t have the drive to get your assignments done as it is, odds are that towards the end of the week when you have 8+ assignments due Monday morning and they’re piled on top of one another you’re going to totally BS them and that definitely won’t help your grade, I can promise you that. It also will just make you want to give up and crawl into a corner and cry. So save yourself the hair pulling and worrying and just do your work as soon as you can, in the beginning of the week.

Don’t forget to enjoy the time as you go, remember you can only live today once so do it right and have as much fun as you can! (But still do your work) We’re all in this together so get your girls and hammer out this last semester because it will be a fast one!

  • XOXO Eva
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Eva Graef


Just a girl who loves bread, exercise and traveling.