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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

With a few weeks left of school, some collegiettes might still be weighing summer location options. New York? Chicago? LA? How about sticking around in the ATL?
HC Emory’s reasons why staying in Atlanta for summer is awesome:
– Great on-campus job opportunities through University Conferences, EASL (Ethics and Servant Leadership), the SAAC, and more means there will be plenty of people in town to keep you company.
– It’s a perfect time to get some classes out of the way. Sign up for one of the two summer sessions or test out the new Maymester offerings.

– Warmth and sunshine all summer long. SAAC pool anyone? Yes please!


– Summertime festivals. Virginia Highland Summerfest, Wonderroot’s Film Festival, and the Decatur Arts’ Festival.
– Peachtree Road Race. Celebrate Fourth of July with one of the world’s largest 10k runs through the city. Follow it up with the fireworks show at Lennox in the evening.

– If you’re on campus, head up to the top of the Michael Street parking deck on the 4th and join in on watching fireworks shows all over the city.

– Six Flags, the Botanical Gardens, the Fox Theater and the High Museum. Now’s the time to check out local attractions you never have time for during the school year.


– Shooting the Hooch. Nothing says summer quite like tubing down a river.
There’s no need to leave a good thing, right?

Cassandra is a senior sociology major and sustainability minor at Emory University. She likes vegan cooking, yoga, bike rides, and photography.
Jessica lives her life at several speeds. She talks too fast, eats too slow and over-analyzes too much.  When she’s not telling long-winded stories, sitting alone at the dinner table, or staring off into space, Jessica loves all things creative. Screenwriter, play director and poet at age 9, songwriter and choreographer at age 16, now, at 23, all she really wants to do is write, help others, and post Instagrams.  As a social media coordinator for multiple fashion brands, and a post-grad writer for Her Campus, she gets to do just that. Jessica is a Midwestern girl from the suburbs of Chicago, but she fell in love with city living during a summer internship in the Big Apple, and now calls NYC home. Jessica loves chocolate milkshakes, dance parties, Chippewa Ranch Camp, Friends re-runs, Chuck Bass and of course, spending time with her fans (read: family and friends).