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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

Name: Paul
Year: 2012
Major: Film Studies, Math minor
Fraternity: Chi Phi
Extra curriculars: Aural Pleasure, Emory News Now
Hometown: ATL, Jowja
Her Campus Emory (HCE): The best thing about the girls at Emory is…
Paul (P): Emory girls are cool because they have really really HUGE…….. brains.
HCE: What is your favorite holiday? 
P: 420? Oh wait, wait no let me try that one again. Valentine’s Day: There’s just so much love in the air.
HCE: Tell us about your most embarrassing moment. 
P: Well I was nine, and was on the bus to a field trip and well… Billy Madison lied, peeing your pants is not that cool.
HCE: What is your sexiest physical trait?
P: Haha that one you may have to find out for yourself.
HCE: Is there anything you’d change about you’re time spent at Emory?  
P: I really wish Chi Phi hadn’t been kicked off freshman year. The guys I pledged with would have been the best crew on the row. Still, I’ve had a great run.
HCE: Complete the sentence – If I won a million dollars, I would…. 
P: Two girls at one time, cause if I was a millionaire I think I could hook that up… But besides that I’d donate a portion, invest half in a mutual fund, and use the rest to sustain myself over the next few years of probable underemployment.
HCE: What do you look for in a girlfriend?
P:She should be cute and smart. She can’t sweat, only glisten. She needs to know when to listen and know when to tell me to shut the f**k up.  Her farts should smell like roses.  She has to like spontaneity, but love chilling at home with a bottle of wine and a movie.  Oh and her name should be Taylor DiOrio.