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Patrick ’13

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

Meet our new Brazilian Campus Cutie. A senior studying Economics, he hopes to someday open a café in his hometown, Rio de Janerio. Whether he’s rushing guys for ATO or playing Rugby, this cutie loves to fake a British accent. He’s a guy with a sense of humor, so you’re gonna want to read on!

Her Campus Emory (HCE): What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
Patrick (P): It was during my sophomore year. I was a little over enthusiastic pre-gaming David Guetta and ended up at Grady Memorial Hospital. Upon waking up, still completely intoxicated, I asked the nurse to take my IV out and then proceeded to sprint out of the hospital in nothing but my gown to avoid getting charged. Dad would be quite cross if he found out.

HCE: What’s your favorite meal?
P: I absolutely love Falafel King. There’s something about the meticulous service and the fake grass on the windowsill that really tickles my pickle.

HCE: Biggest turn on?
P: The thing that most turns me on, at least at Emory, is when I’m talking to a girl and she completely ignores the fact that I have an accent. There hasn’t been a single day that I haven’t had to explain where I’m from at least once or had people come up to me and greet me with an “Oy Guvnor. “ It’s really refreshing to get a break from that. Also, flat shoes.

HCE: What’s at the top of your bucket list?
P: I’m really passionate about tea & coffee so when I retire I’d like to open a really successful Café in Rio. In the next year though I’d have to say my biggest ambition is for Emory Rugby to win its conference.

HCE: Describe your perfect date.
P: To be honest the concept of a perfect date where everything goes according to plan gives me the shivers. My “perfect date” would include something going pretty damn wrong that both of us could laugh about down the line. Not a child though.

HCE: What’s your favorite movie?
P: Life is Beautiful. It’s an Italian film about a Jewish man who’s forced to use his imagination to help his family through their internment in a Nazi concentration camp.