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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

Name: Joey     
Year: Sophomore     
Frat: Sigma Nu
Extra curriculars: Basketball
Hometown: Savannah, GA
Sign: Leo
Relationship status: Single
Her Campus Emory (HCE):How did you spend your summer?
Joey (J): My family owns a bar down in Savannah, and I bartended there all summer.
HCE: What’s your favorite song?
J: Right now it is probably a tie between Zach Brown Band’s Chicken Fried and Darius Rucker’s Alright.
HCE: What’s your drink of choice?
J: It has got to be milk. I can drink it with anything and at any time of the day.
HCE: What would your perfect date be?
J: It really isn’t the setting or activity for me, it’s all about the person you are on the date with.
HCE: What’s the most interesting fact about you?
J: I was in a boy band growing up called StarDust, check me out on YouTube.
HCE: What is your favorite memory from last year?
J: When I went to the Falcons and Packers playoff game and Falcons fans were leaving at halftime. I ended up getting great seats for the second half.
HCE: What’s on your Emory bucket list?
J: Look, a boy wants a girl he can sleep with, but a man wants a woman he can wake up next to. I just want to find the one.
HCE: What’s your best pick up line?
 J: If I had a nickel for every girl as beautiful as you, I’d have five cents.
HCE: Brains or beauty? Be honest
J: Beauty, initial attraction is important. Love at first sight if you will.
HCE: Is chivalry dead?
J: It’s not dead, it just went down south.