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How To Dress For the Cold Weather

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

So now that the weather is starting to get colder – actually, it’s not even getting colder, it’s randomly freezing on
some days and surprisingly warm the next – it’s that time of the year when you have to start thinking about how much pain you’re willing to endure on your walk to frat row (NOTE: we’re talking about the last few nights of this semester, and the beginning of Spring semester).
I’m sure many of you have started to wonder what the appropriate dress is for when the weather gets even colder.
Some questions you might be asking yourself include:

  • Should I bring a jacket?
  • Should I not wear heels so I can run?
  • Light top or warm top?
  • Skirt or jeans?
  • Flats or boots?

Well, while I don’t have concrete answers for you, I think I might be able to help you out a little bit.  During those 20 or more minutes when you’re aimlessly standing in front of your closet attempting to figure out what you want to wear, there are several factors you should consider.  You need to think about your destination, how you’re getting there, what you’re going to do, how much alcohol you will be consuming,  and how much you are willing to tolerate the cold. 
If you’re just going to the row and not leaving campus, you’re probably going to be doing a good amount of
walking.  If you know someone that lives in the frat house you’re going to, you can most likely leave your jacket there, so I would certainly advise you do that.  Also, if you belong to a sorority but do not live in the lodge, you can most likely leave your jacket in your lodge and then run across the row to make your walk from Woodruff, Clifton, or any other location much more bearable. 
For these nights I would definitely wear either a light or warm top and jeans, depending on the weather.  If the frat is having a big party, there will probably be dancing involved so I would advise you wear either a dress or skirt instead to prevent you from sweating profusely.  Even though you might be pretty cold walking to frat row, you will definitely be thankful you’re not wearing jeans when you start sweating even with a skirt on. 
However, if you’re going to a club or somewhere that will most likely be extremely crowded like Maggie’s or The
Nest, I would definitely advise you leave your coat at home.  You will either be dancing or there will be so many people that you won’t even be cold, so there is no need to worry about that except for the two seconds that you will be running from your cab to your destination. You will also most likely lose your coat if you take it off and put it down somewhere.  And, who wants to be carrying a coat on their arm?  So not cute, nor is it convenient. I would also advise if you’re going to a club that you wear a skirt or a dress, something I assume you would normally do anyway. 
So, moral of the story here is….suck it up!  Be thankful you don’t go to a school that has much worse weather and if you really want, just run fast from your dorm or apartment to wherever you are going.  Also, make sure you take your heels off if you decide to run, you definitely don’t want to do a face-plant.