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Halloween Costumes

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

Fall Break has passed. Midterms are slowly coming to an end. Halloween is quickly approaching. The thought running through all of our minds is what should I be for Halloween this year? Unlike our childhoods, Halloween doesn’t just last one day but rather an entire week. So what are the costumes that everyone is talking about?
Ever dream of being a celebrity? Now you can. Katy Perry and Lady Gaga are two of the most popular costume choices.


Want to stay with the more traditional costume option? The classic flapper costume is always a favorite.

Do you and some of your friends want to dress up together? Bring back your favorite childhood memories and dress up as the Spice Girls.

Party City is always a great place to find costumes but can be pricy for a college budget. This Halloween try making your own costume rather than dropping $50 on something you will wear once. For Katy Perry, try going to a toy store and finding plastic cupcakes. You’ll be able to rock the look while saving money. Ever browsed through pictures of Lady Gaga and noticed she almost always wears a leotard? You can do the same.
Too busy studying to make your own costume? Don’t worry. There are other ways to save money while still looking fabulous on Halloween. Our closets are always communal for friends, so why should Halloween be any different? Each girl can buy one costume and rotate. Halloween will be here sooner than you think. Don’t forget to plan your outfits.