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The Guy-line: The Jeggings Phenomenon

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

There are many things about girls and their fashion decisions that baffle me.  Girls have all of these rules and theories about when you can and can’t wear certain clothes that make no sense.  But no matter how confused I may be about all of their choices and styles, nothing irritates me (and any other guy) more than that awful combination of leggings and jeans otherwise known as “Jeggings.”

The jeggings fad really took hold towards the middle/end of 2010 and has been going strong ever since (unfortunately).  Honestly I don’t get them.  Are they leggings?  Or are they jeans?  They feel like denim and look like denim, but stretch like spandex.  Seriously, this isn’t okay. 

Guys get a lot of $h!t for wearing pajamas/sweatpants to class, so why not create pajeans (pajama jeans)?  No, you say?  That would be ridiculous?  You’re right, it is.  And so are jeggings. 

I’m going to pose a request.  Along with any questions you’d like me to answer, I want everyone to send me (via The Guy Line link at the top of the HC Emory page) their reasons why jeggings don’t suck.  After I receive them, I will put together the top answers and explain why they did or did not change my mind about these atrocities you call stylish.

For further information on why jeggings are the worst thing ever created, click here


Jessica lives her life at several speeds. She talks too fast, eats too slow and over-analyzes too much.  When she’s not telling long-winded stories, sitting alone at the dinner table, or staring off into space, Jessica loves all things creative. Screenwriter, play director and poet at age 9, songwriter and choreographer at age 16, now, at 23, all she really wants to do is write, help others, and post Instagrams.  As a social media coordinator for multiple fashion brands, and a post-grad writer for Her Campus, she gets to do just that. Jessica is a Midwestern girl from the suburbs of Chicago, but she fell in love with city living during a summer internship in the Big Apple, and now calls NYC home. Jessica loves chocolate milkshakes, dance parties, Chippewa Ranch Camp, Friends re-runs, Chuck Bass and of course, spending time with her fans (read: family and friends).