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The Guy Line: How to Avoid the Friend Zone

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

Dear RLEG,

No matter what I do, I cannot seem to get out of the friend zone.  Any guy I meet automatically puts me there!  How do I get noticed as more than that?

-Just so friendly
Dear Just so friendly,

Ah the friend zone.  The friend zone is a great place for some relationships.  It allows for trust, and other
friend-based feelings.  But it definitely does not allow for anything sexier (except if alcohol gets involved… then things can get a little sticky).  But what if you don’t want to be in the friend zone?  There is a certain frustration that comes from being placed there immediately, this is definitely true.  There are a couple things you can try though to up your chances of steering clear of the black hole that is, the friend zone.

A lot of girls don’t like to hear this, but being “one of the guys” isn’t always sexy.  Some girls can pull it off, but most can’t and it’s a 100% guarantee of a one-way ticket to the F.Z.  You’re a girl and you can use that to your advantage—make sure you set yourself apart from the guys.  Being a friend and being more require entirely different ways of approaching a new relationship.  Be flirty and touchy, but don’t overdo it, that can come off as desperate. 

I hope you have a little more luck in avoiding that oh so friendly place.  Good luck on your flirty adventures.