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The Guy Line – Getting Involved with a Second Semester Senior

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

Getting involved with a senior guy can be a dangerous endeavor.  Especially if you’re not a senior yourself, you
have to recognize that you are probably in a very different mindset than your senior counterpart. 
That being said, if you do choose to get involved with a senior guy you should expect for things to stay casual.  In essence, there are really only two possibilities for a relationship like this.  Either the senior guy is an idiot and pursues something more meaningful with you despite the impending separation, or he’s smart and keeps things casual so that this separation is less painful.  There are the exceptions like a senior who will be working in Atlanta and thus can drag on his juvenile relationship for another year or two. 
But speaking from experience, don’t be that girl who tries to pressure the second semester senior into a dead
end relationship.  Sure, it is possible that you two have real and genuine feelings for one another and will give the long distance relationship a try, but sometimes the distance is not the most daunting obstacle and it can be even harder to bridge the gap between the opposing mindsets of college and the real world.
Still, when getting involved with a senior guy, as a general rule I would suggest to just try to have fun.  I don’t really believe in holding your emotions back as a way of “protecting” yourself or any of that bull$h!t.  I think you should never be afraid to feel what you want to feel.  But that being said there are ways to go about a relationship so that it stays casual and those feelings, if they’re even there, can be tempered. 

Presumably, a senior guy is not looking for anything serious and it’s unfair for you to pressure him to do otherwise.  Chances are he’s going back to New York, or taking a year off to travel, or law school, or med school or whatever the f*ck but whatever it is, he will be starting a different phase in his life.  A phase very much separate from college and missing a girl who is still in college can do nothing more than impede his transition. 
That’s all I really have to say on the matter, pretty much singing the same tune I always do in these articles.  Casual = good, commitment and pressure = bad. Take it as you will.