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#FreshmanFears: How to Not be THAT Freshman Girl

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

It’s Saturday morning and you’re on the way to the bathroom to shower, when you notice a group of people gathered around in the common room at the end of the hall. You walk over and recognize the girl that lives across the hall passed out on the common room couch, still dressed in a tight white dress and 5 inch heels. Her roommate comes in behind you and helps her up and into their room, slamming the door behind her. Branded. She’s now known as THAT freshman.

Nobody wants to be that girl. And the beautiful thing about coming into college as a freshman is that you don’t have to be; everyone comes in with a clean slate. Whoever you were in high school doesn’t matter anymore. That being said, a few wrong moves and you’ll quickly earn a reputation that can follow you throughout your four years. That’s why you’re so lucky to have HC in your life. We’ve compiled a list of tips to ensure that you have fun without ever becoming THAT freshman girl.

1. Never wear anything out of your control.

If you need to pull it down every five seconds, or if you need to be holding it up to keep it from falling down every five seconds, don’t wear it. It’s not fun to be constantly conscious of your malfunctioning wardrobe, or risk flashing/mooning everyone around you. If you need to wear it, don’t wear your lace playboy bunny underwear underneath (although props to you for wearing underwear at all). Either way, be considerate of your peers – you’re hot, but most people don’t want to see that.

2. Eat!

We’re not suggesting you make your annual Fogo de Chao trip before you go out, but a complete meal  (not salad!) will do you a lot of good before hitting up frat row. Eating before drinking delays the absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream, which yields a consistent drunk rather than a quick sick drunk. This small preventative measure will keep you on good terms with your roommate and floor-mates and will save your favorite going out top from an awful fate. 

3. Don’t Drink Around

Make your drink and stick to it! One of the easiest ways to get out of control drunk is to take sips of other people’s drinks here and there. This drinking around makes you lose track of what’s going in, and increases the probability that things will come out. If you love your vodka cran, mix your own in a water bottle and bring it out with you. It probably tastes better than anything you’re going to get at a frat party anyway. If beer is more your thing, remember not to mix liquids. In other words, once you’re one beer in, don’t even think about touching that jungle juice.

4. Stay Away from Poles and Tables

Enough said.
Not being “that” college freshman isn’t hard. As long as you have a good head on your shoulders (which obviously you do because you’re reading Her Campus Emory), you’ll be fine. A few crazy nights out is a good thing – a great thing. But keep in mind that even though you don’t remember what you did last night, lots of other people probably do.