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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

When people at home ask me what the weather is like in Atlanta, I give them all the same answer with just one word: bipolar.  While I understand bipolar disorder is a condition in which people go back and forth between periods of a very good or irritable mood and depression, I would argue that the weather here does that.  One day it will be 90 degrees, beautiful outside, and perfectly sunny.  Then, the next day is for some odd reason 60 degrees, cold, cloudy, and disgusting.  Why does this happen?  I honestly could never tell you and I’ve been wondering the same thing.  While yesterday might have been the nicest day, you never know what’s going to come tomorrow.
So, why not buy a cute fall jacket so that no matter what tomorrow may bring, you will be prepared!  Target and Forever 21 have some really cute, lightweight, and inexpensive jackets that are perfect for this weather and what you need in order to be prepared for those days that are randomly thrown at us.  Here are some fall jackets that would be perfect for the weather, and are also really cute. 
All three of these jackets from Target are just $39.99 and come in different colors:

Side-Zip Moto Jacket                       Bomber Jacket                         Quilted Stand Collar Jacket

These jackets are from Forever 21 and are between $32.80 -42.80, and also come in different colors:


Wrinkled Leatherette Moto         Leatherette Bomber              Leatherette Aviator