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Dr. Peggy Barlett’s Sustainable Food Fair Class

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

What’s better than a quick snack in between classes? A local and sustainable snack!
This Friday, the term “farmer’s market” is being brought to a whole new level. Emory’s Sixth Sustainable Food Fair will be in full swing at Cox Hall Bridge from 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Sustainable food means that the food is good for the consumers, animals, workers, farmers, communities, and the environment. The event, organized by Dr. Peggy Barlett’s Sustainable Food Fair class, the Office of Sustainability Initiatives and Emory Dining hopes to educate the Emory community about the benefits of sustainable, local food.
Ariella Sela is a one of the nineteen students in Dr. Barlett’s Sustainable Food Fair class.
“[we] were all required to read Michal Pollan’s The Omnivore’s Dilemma to educate ourselves on the issues before actually beginning to plan the fair,” Sela said.
Emory’s goal is to have 75% of the food served in its cafeteria and hospitals to be locally sourced by 2015.
“This fair is part of Emory’s effort to raise awareness and spread the word about sustainable food,” Sela said.
The fair will be comprised of booths set up by Atlanta farmers, local food artisans, sustainability organizations such as Georgia Organics, as well as popular Atlanta restaurants including Rosebud and Farm Burger. There will also be tables where students will educate those attending on important topics such as grass-fed meats and seasonality.
The fair is only for Emory students and staff (not open to the public!), so take advantage of this once a year opportunity to buy delicious products, speak with the local farmers, and even sample food prepared by great chefs!