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College Cooking: Snack Your Way Through the Day!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

Happy Holidays everyone! I don’t know about you, but there is always one thing on my mind this time of year…
food! Between studying for exams, the cold weather, and great holiday treats, snacking is almost impossible to avoid. Despite any preconceived notions, if done right, snacking can be the next best thing for your holiday diet! A mid-afternoon or mid-morning snack is a great opportunity to provide your body with nutrients– keeping you alert and satisfied. Here are some healthy snack ideas that are easy to keep in your backpack for the library and quick to whip up in your dorm room for any urgent cravings!
Whole Wheat Crackers and Peanut Butter: Save your quarters by skipping the vending machine’s peanut
butter crackers and packing your own nutritious snack. For a hunger-curbing option, try ten multigrain wheat crackers (such as Multigrain Wheat Thins) and a tablespoon of peanut butter. This nutrient-rich snack is just 193 calories and offers 2 grams of fiber. The combination of complex carbs and protein help to keep your blood sugar stable and keep you feeling full longer.
Popcorn with Parmesan: Take regular bagged popcorn to the next level by topping it with two tablespoons
of shredded Parmesan cheese. The nutty flavor of the popcorn pairs well with the rich flavor of Parmesan resulting in a quick, 150-calorie snack. Simply top 3½ cups of 94%-fat-free popcorn with the cheese and your snack is served. This salty snack counts as one of your three daily servings of whole grains and helps to increase your energy and boost your mood!
Instant Oatmeal: When you’re in a rush and want something warm and comforting, heat a packet of plain
instant oatmeal (just 110 calories) in the microwave for a quick and satisfying treat. Choose plain oatmeal and add your own flavorings to control the calorie and sugar content. Top with a mini box of raisins, some toasted almonds, or sprinkle with cinnamon and nutmeg. Doubling as a fiber-rich breakfast or daytime snack, oatmeal helps lower cholesterol and reduces the risk of heart disease.
Mini Pitas with Hummus: Use mini pita pockets to scoop up creamy hummus. Whether you make your own
hummus or choose a favorite brand at the grocery store, hummus is made from chickpeas, a great source of soluble fiber. This soluble fiber helps to lower cholesterol and prevent heart disease. Pair two tablespoons of hummus with three mini pita rounds for a 150 calorie snack. If you want a protein boost, fill the mini pita pockets with an ounce of low-sodium deli ham or turkey. The fiber and protein combo gives the snack some staying power to keep you feeling full longer.
Snack Bars: If you’re having a sweet attack and are looking for a healthy bar that isn’t loaded with sugar, reach
for one that is all natural. Brands like LaraBar and KIND are good sources of fiber, contain no added sugar, and are made from whole, natural ingredients like dates, almonds, cashews, and cranberries. These bars are rich in fiber, low in sodium, loaded with vitamins and minerals, and run around 200 calories per serving. Pack these convenient bars in a purse or pocket for an instantly sweet and filling snack.
With minimal cooking involved, these snacks are quick and healthy- perfect for an energy boost or satisfying a craving. Make sure to keep these treats on you at all times to avoid resorting to snack machines or fast food joints. Remember: despite all the temptations during the holiday season, staying on track is just one healthy and satisfying snack away!